I don't think it's liberalism anyways. It's a pseudo religion of modernity. It may be an offshoot of liberalism but it shares more in common with evangelical Christianity than liberalism. It's very religion-like but overlays on everything it comes in contact with. If you read history about the spread of Christianity, this is one of the ways Christianity swamped pagans religions by taking higher authority than the other gods and practices of the pagans. You can see this exact thing happening across society in corporations, in most Christian denominations, in government schools, libraries, arts, television and films.
My thesis of how this is a religion is that it has sacred symbols, sacred historical figures, sacred places, sacred events, sacred acts, etc. A religion doesn't require a deity. They testify publicly their creed. The creed is constantly changing. About 6 years ago the terms "social justice" and "intersectionality" were part of the testimony of faith. Currently "equity" and "inclusion" are the words they use. The words are meant to be unclear to their exact meaning because it's not a static set of beliefs. We witnessed this testimony in this thread. You are enemy if you don't submit immediately to these words. If you're one of them you can be labelled as a heretic if you alter the creed in anyway to fit your personal beliefs.