Big F$&*in Q
May I have a quick question: did Tarasenko stay on ice of the Canadian anthem ?
He did not.
The identified four were Malkin, Ovechkin, Tikhonov and Kulikov.
May I have a quick question: did Tarasenko stay on ice of the Canadian anthem ?
What happened after the game? What did the Russians do that was so bad? I obviously did not see the game so I have no idea what happened and this is the first I'm hearing about it.
He did not.
The identified four were Malkin, Ovechkin, Tikhonov and Kulikov.
For the last time: there were no Russians on the ice when the anthem was played. None. Nada. Zilch. Zero![]()
They all left before the anthem.
For the last time: there were no Russians on the ice when the anthem was played. None. Nada. Zilch. Zero![]()
For the last time: there were no Russians on the ice when the anthem was played. None. Nada. Zilch. Zero![]()
For the last time: there were no Russians on the ice when the anthem was played. None. Nada. Zilch. Zero![]()
The truth is, even if it's not popular I'm gonna say it anyway and I don't care. Generally speaking, albeit with minor exceptions, Eastern European culture is much different from Western European/North American.
Eastern Europeans are generally more cold and self-centred, whereas Western Euros/North Americans have a sacrifice/team concept mentality. The cultures are different, and the proof is look at the regional differences, why is one more dominant than the other? Why do they play in North America as opposed to North Americans going over there (NHL vs KHL)? People emigrate from East to West for a better life, and not vice versa. Anyway, that's enough, since I don't want to turn this political.
It's always been like this, and will always be like this. There's your answer.
The truth is, even if it's not popular I'm gonna say it anyway and I don't care. Generally speaking, albeit with minor exceptions, Eastern European culture is much different from Western European/North American.
Eastern Europeans are generally more cold and self-centred, whereas Western Euros/North Americans have a sacrifice/team concept mentality. The cultures are different, and the proof is look at the regional differences, why is one more dominant than the other? Why do they play in North America as opposed to North Americans going over there (NHL vs KHL)? People emigrate from East to West for a better life, and not vice versa. Anyway, that's enough, since I don't want to turn this political.
It's always been like this, and will always be like this. There's your answer.
Well to be fair, Ovi and Malkin wanted to stay and defied Kovalchuk, but they also didn't wanna be the only four staying, it's rather embarrassing for them to be the only four while their entire team is gone. If Ovi were captain, things would've been different.
Yup and they were all gone BEFORE Fasel declared WC closed too, which proceeded the playing of our anthem. Proceedings seemed a bit muddled / confused + too long. Still Didn't seem like an intentional sleight to me. They shook hands, saluted the crowd and left, looked quite cordial. The hackneyed phrase tempest in a tea pot, comes to mind...
The weird thing about it all was the non-reaction from TSN's Miller and Ferraro. Miller just says the Russians are now leaving the ice like it was the normal thing to do. He doesn't express surprise over them leaving early. They didn't clue in at all, which surprised me considering how many of these ceremonies they've covered. I was sitting there saying, "Where the hell are they going?" while tweets began pouring in from journalists and others watching.
I honestly assumed that they were being herded off the ice by the organizers.
IMO there's nothing wrong with Russia. They embody what hockey should be about - speed, skill, scoring, excitement. It's the North Americans that are ruining the game. People actually think hockey should be about grit, defense, and shot blocking. The NHL overvalues 3rd/4th line grinders for some reason. And it ruins the product. NHL hockey is boring for the most part, especially in the playoffs.
IMO there's nothing wrong with Russia. They embody what hockey should be about - speed, skill, scoring, excitement. It's the North Americans that are ruining the game. People actually think hockey should be about grit, defense, and shot blocking. The NHL overvalues 3rd/4th line grinders for some reason. And it ruins the product. NHL hockey is boring for the most part, especially in the playoffs.
IMO there's nothing wrong with Russia. They embody what hockey should be about - speed, skill, scoring, excitement. It's the North Americans that are ruining the game. People actually think hockey should be about grit, defense, and shot blocking. The NHL overvalues 3rd/4th line grinders for some reason. And it ruins the product. NHL hockey is boring for the most part, especially in the playoffs.
NHL hockey is boring for the most part, especially in the playoffs.