Tagliatelle al ragù are quite easy to prepare (but it can be difficult). I am not very sure to explain well the recipe in English, so I write the ingredients and place a video that I hope will help.
Ps: I do not say anything about the type of pasta because in theory the tradition wants it to be done by hand (hand made) and believe me that's a thing i leave to my mother...just to say.
– 2 costole di sedano (2 celery ribs)
– 1 cipolla (1 onion)
– 1 carota (1 carrot)
– 1 ciuffo di prezzemolo (a sprig of parsley)
– 1 bottiglia di pomodoro passato (a bottle of tomato sauce)
– 300 gr di carne macinata mista (300gr minced meat: veal and pork)
– vino bianco (white wine)
– basilico per guarnire (basil to garnish)
– parmigiano grattugiato (grated parmesan)
Hope it helps, feel free to ask!