There was also a New Jersey number that wasn't ever really advertised. Then I learned that all Ticketmaster phone numbers EXCEPT Baltimore/Washington were the SAME. I was able to snag tickets to one of the Springsteen Asbury Park Holiday shows in 2001 by calling a Detroit number.
in 1984, my dad bought me and a few friends tickets to a Mets - Braves doubleheader as a gift for my 8th grade graduation. I was naive then and liked the Mets. The day he called to get the tickets was the same day Springsteen tickets for the Meadowlands Arena went on sale. We didn't have a car with an FM radio yet, and even though my dad was kind of a Springsteen fan, he completely forgot about the concerts. Anyway, it took forever for him to get through, but he got 5 tickets. So we go over to Shea, no tickets. End up buying additional ones at the gate. He gets in touch with Ticketmaster or whoever they were then and they INSIST he bought tickets to SPRINGSTEEN. Somehow he was able to find out the screwup and the name and phone number of the girl who actually bought the Bruce tickets. He got in touch with her and told her to use our name when picking up the tickets, and even sent her a handwritten note if the idiots at the Meadowlands gave her trouble.
Ticketmaster effed up a Springsteen show on me in Chapel Hill, but at least that was an issue of a guy with my exact name, and they took care of the issue. That said, Kenan Stadium didn't have ticket scanners so the cancelled tickets could have worked. Good thing the guy in Raleigh with my exact name was honest and went to the seats he bought.
Yes, I do remember the Garden tickets color coded to section. I still have a bunch of Green ticket stubs from 1979-1986. They were also closer to a cardboard stock. By 1988, they were using bigger tickets with images on them for season tickets, but the generic tickets were typical Ticketmaster stock.
WWF matches used to be shown LIVE on MSG in the early 80's. I can remember playing in a Little League championship Game 1 on a Tuesday in June, and everyone rushing home at the end of the game because some match was on MSG that was "important" (thinking Backlund vs, Snuka?)
Boxing used to be on MSG a bit too, matches called by SAM ROSEN.