are you sure?
once the play is stopped and a player is bleeding to the face after just getting carved up with a high stick the 4 blind mice need to do what is correct, moral and ethical and that is have a conversation as a group of 4 and communicate and get it right...THIS IS SO f***ING SIMPLE! it goes something like the next paragraph...
Hey, did anyone see how Hughes' face got carved up?, ya, 97, high sticked him in the face. Okay so instead of penalizing vancouver and hughes by telling hughes he needs to leave the ice as a result of the fact that 97 carved up his face with a stick and drew blood...we are going to call a double minor on 97, 4 minute penatly and Hughes needs to sit for one tick of the clock or until his bleeding is under control...
I agree that the players, coaches and teams need to move on...
however the NHL and the 4 zebras last night need to STOP, evaluate the failures of the league and the officials in this game. They then need to have the 4 zebras attend an evaluation of their performance, be informed of the things they did correctly and incorrectly then be sent for additional training and if necessary suspend or discipline them. Tell them their season is done and find a new group that can call the game in such a way that Player Safety matters, even if it is just a tiny little bit...
that would be an improvement over the crew of 4 from last night who did not give a rats ass about player safety
Unfortunately, Bettman and his crew likely look at that game and applaud the officials for its efforts to confuse the f*** out of everyone about what the rules of hockey are and are not.