jj cale
Registered User
This would be true with or without gimmick teams.
I was just thinking about it, in my view the NHL has the best refs in the world. They let the guys play with more physicality and let them dictate the outcome. They understand that refs shouldn't be the centre of the show.
I think European fans are used to the refs calling every single penalty and a tight game. That's very different from how the North American game is played. The players have more leeway and can play more on edge, the penalties aren't called as tight.
It's not that the refs favour any team. They don't. NHL refs are by far the best in the world, it's more North American hockey is very different than European hockey and fans probably were not/are not used to the refs letting the players get away with more. This applies for both teams equally.
Exactly. I've been saying and have known that for a long time.
It's pretty obvious.