Online Series: WandaVision - Spring 2021 on Disney+


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
The feeling some have on line is that Samual L Jackson was supposed to show up at the end of the shoot, but due to his age and covid restrictions were starting as the shoot came to an end, it did not work out
Just like Mephisto/Nightmare were suppose to show up lol. Honestly a big let down of a finale and the shit was 38ish minutes long f*** Disney for that garbage.

Canadiens Ghost

Mr. Objectivity
Dec 14, 2011
Despite some inconsistencies, this show was quite enjoyable.
I expect something quite different with Falcon and Winter Soldier but I'm looking forward to it.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2002
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I enjoyed the show, but, I think there is reason to have some disappointment for not having something bigger on the finale. The show did leave a lot of breadcrumbs towards something bigger, whether it be Evan Peters, references to a mysterious engineer and all of that.

But, this show did deliver on exactly what you'd expect a show about Wanda to be about.

I actually like the moral ambiguity of the ending. We'll see where they go with that. I like that this kicks off the next phase.


Registered User
Jul 28, 2009
Edinburgh, Scotland
I agree. My problem with it was that this is what I saw on the face if it, and couldn't get passed it. I would be willing to overlook it if they presented a sensible counter narrative, but I just don't see a scenario here where Wanda is the good guy.
I think the problem is that you're under the misapprehension that we were meant to agree with her. The Scarlet Witch is probably my favourite superhero character because she's morally ambiguous. She raises interesting questions about what is 'right', but rarely solves them because nobody can.


Something in the water
Feb 20, 2006
I waited until it had all aired and then accidentally binged it all tonight. I hadn't heard anything about any of the story so I didn't have any expectations or big theories to work off of. All I knew is people in general were enjoying it.

Only thing I'm disappointed in is what they did with Evan Peter's character. That is an incredibly lame bait and switch to pull on people.

Otherwise a solid addition to the MCU and finally Wanda is an interesting character. Looking forward to seeing her in Dr. Strange 2.
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Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
I thought it was great, are people seriously disappointed due to believing some clearly outlandish stuff they read on the internet that had a very little chance of actually happening in reality? :laugh:

I mean, Olsen herself saying there was a cameo on the level of Luke Skywalker in the Mandalorian raised expectations considerably.

I thought the finale was fine on its own as an episode. My disappointment with it stems from the above.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
Damn, no Strange cameo.

People are surprised they let Wanda go? I mean she just helped save the universe for what, the 2nd or 3rd time? Never mind that you'll have a world of trouble actually arresting her & getting her locked up.

I think being an Avenger gives you some leeway no?
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Pranzo Oltranzista

Registered User
Oct 18, 2017
The first few episodes were a nice departure from the common Marvel stuff. It was obvious they couldn't maintain it, and it got a little silly with the kids and the witch, and pretty dumb with Quicksilver, but overall I thought it was ok TV, even though I still prefer - and by a wide margin - most of the Netflix shows (DD, JJ and P). Some comments have me wondering if I've missed something though as I didn't get the depth and character study that others are admiring. It's not something I'll go back to either.
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The Macho King

Back* to Back** World Champion
Jun 22, 2011
Am I the only one that doesn't want the X-Men in the MCU? One of the draws of the MCU versus 616 is it is comparatively slim. A few dozen supers. Add mutants and this shit gets unwieldy fast.

Fantastic Four fits with what the MCU is doing seemlessly and you get some Avengers-level threats out of their introduction with Galactus, Doom, and even Annihilus.

I could do without the X Men entirely frankly.
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Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
I mean, Olsen herself saying there was a cameo on the level of Luke Skywalker in the Mandalorian raised expectations considerably.

I thought the finale was fine on its own as an episode. My disappointment with it stems from the above.

She didn't. The reporter made the claim. Didn't even bother clarifying whether she was joking.

Power Man

Sep 30, 2008
221B Baker Street
As for Wanda being the villain in Dr Strange MOM, I don’t think she will be be bad per se, but she will f*** things up by searching for her children through different universes (after hearing them scream in the post credit scene)


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
Am I the only one that doesn't want the X-Men in the MCU? One of the draws of the MCU versus 616 is it is comparatively slim. A few dozen supers. Add mutants and this shit gets unwieldy fast.

Fantastic Four fits with what the MCU is doing seemlessly and you get some Avengers-level threats out of their introduction with Galactus, Doom, and even Annihilus.

I could do without the X Men entirely frankly.

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Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
So it's looking like Cthon might be the big baddie in DS 2. Copied from Youtube comment:

The Darkhold was written by Chthon, the God of Chaos. The Darkhold is a book of spells. It provides the reader the instructions to make their desires come true, written in the language the reader would fully understand. The instructions guide the reader to their ultimate goal by showing them how to build items, some of which harness energy from other dimensions.

However, the secondary ability of the book is to corrupt the reader's mind and create a dangerous obsession over the Darkhold. Most people who use the Darkhold's spells fall under Chthon's mental control as a result. Only humans with great spiritual strength like Dr Strange can successfully resist this mental enslavement.

Since Wanda created the twins with chaos magic, and in the end credit scenes she can hear them, my guess is: they are in the same dimension as Chthon, so when she tries to rescue them, se will release Chthon, and he will be the big bad on Dr. Strange 2. And belive me, this mf is a PROBLEM.

Chton's list of powers:

A list of Chthon powers: dark and chaos magic, telepaty, mystic patron (He can also send his power out of that dimension), demonic possession, he has an extraordinary knowledge of the dark mystical forces, and cataloged the evil spells of the demonic Elder Gods, Energy Projection & Absorption, Invisibility, Illusion Creation, Density Control, Regeneration, Force Field Creation, Invulnerability, Levitation, Magic, Matter Absorption, All-Speak, Light Projection, Precognition, Reality Manipulation and Warping, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Time Manipulation, Teleportation, Stealth, Soul Absorption, Size Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Postcognition, Shape-Shifting, Darkforce Manipulation....
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I have found the way
Aug 10, 2012
It was an okay finale to a good series. Not surprised by the lack of cameos but was disappointed that Evan Peters ended up being totally wasted. I thought Marvel would have learned their lesson after fake Mandarin.
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Pranzo Oltranzista

Registered User
Oct 18, 2017
As a story about a woman dealing with grief and discovering identity, it was great. People need to recalibrate their expectations for these series. The epic stuff is going to stay in the movie theaters.

That's what I meant... As a story about a woman dealing with grief (and discovering identity - not sure what that means), unless I really missed something, it was the poorest thing ever. As superficial entertainment with some original ideas, it was kind of cool.


A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
That's what I meant... As a story about a woman dealing with grief (and discovering identity - not sure what that means), unless I really missed something, it was the poorest thing ever. As superficial entertainment with some original ideas, it was kind of cool.

Except the superficial entertainment with some original ideas was entirely metaphor for her processing her grief, until the point where it was no longer metaphor at all. That transition took place pretty seamlessly. You can't say one was kind of cool and the other wasn't. They're linked inextricably.

As for discovering identity... her identity has always been defined through the lens of someone else: her parents (because she was just a kid), the hatred of Stark for being who she thought killed her parents, the people who experimented on her, the Avengers, and even Vision. Part of this story is her figuring out what it truly means to be Wanda through no one else's lens... and the metaphor for that is the Scarlett Witch persona.


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