I have the plane tickets, hotel, and eta all set. Thank god it's only three weeks. Thanks
@Method Man for the Hampton Inn tip, I got a room for fairly good rate and seems to be a good place.
So, the stupid questions:
-Tipping. There's nothing like that here, so I have no idea how or where to do that. If I pay cash, do I need to say that I give certain amount of tip, or is it just expected that for $32 meal I just pay $40 and expect no change.
-Cash or credit? I'm gonna take some cash with me of course just in case, but I think I can save some money if I pay with credit card (instead of drawing cash with that card) as much as possible
-Weather. What to expect, +20C..+30C? I'll be traveling very light, so I wont pack much clothes, shorts and t-shirts mainly I guess. I wont go to any fancy nightclubs or restaurants, but other than that, is there any dress code in general? like "sorry sir, you cant come in wearing shorts"
-Where can I buy c-train tickets / daily passes? And how does it work?
-Walking. I've read the horror stories about suburbs in USA where you can't walk from one place to another simply because there are no sidewalks.