Please respond to him first.
The Fenway Park tour was pretty awesome yesterday. I managed to get a baseball during a fan bp practice, although I had to run to the far left field stands to grab the foul ball while one of the assistants phoned in security. A kid from Philly followed suit to grab the second foul ball. It's a wonderful stadium worth visiting.
My sole question is: Museum Tour or Arena Tour at TD Garden? We're undecided as to which tour to take. We're mostly hockey fans.
Note: Take this with a grain of salt, as I've never done either of these tours. But I have been in many of the areas covered: The south half of Level 9 (aka "high above the ice"), the Club area behind 5 and 6, behind the z̶a̶m̶b̶o̶n̶i̶ ice resrufacer doors, and on the parquet/ice level. IIRC, got to sneak a peek at the locker rooms during the new Garden's 20th anniversary, but we didn't get to go inside.
If you're absolutely never, ever coming back to Boston or TD Garden ever again, and only had to do one...I'd lean towards the Museum Tour. It seems less nuts-and-bolts of "how an arena runs", and seems to give more of the history of Boston sports. You'll get everything - basketball, hockey, college, etc. I think there's even a few concert artifacts on 5-6, but I could be wrong. Pretty sure they have some old seats from the original Garden, too.
If you told me you were coming back in October, and already had a $150 ticket to a suite "fan box" seat on Level 6 against the Flyers, I'd say Arena Tour. You probably can see most of the stuff on levels 5/6 with a suite or a club seat by just wandering around the concourse, although you don't get a guide. This way, you'd get the best of both worlds, by being able to see the ice resurfacer, locker rooms, etc. Also, naturally, these tours only run in the summer, so if you're coming back and want to do another tour, it's harder to schedule this one.