You really believe that? I don’t agree with you, that’s not a professional attitude. Why should I support them? Tell me, Roman.. Tell me why. Why? Why? Don’t tell me it’s etiquette, you know it used to be etiquette to have black people as slaves. Tell me why. Tell me exactly why. Roman, tell me why. That’s a stupid, stupid thing to say. You’re not giving me reasons. That’s why there was Nazi Germany. Why did they march people into ovens? Well, that’s just what they did. That’s what they were told to do. That’s a stupid, stupid reason. “Oh, you’re *******s if you don’t support HFboards.” That’s ridiculous. “I was just following orders.” But, why? “Well they told me to.” But, why? “Well they told me to.” That’s asinine. People actually believe this. They actually believe this. Mind boggling. It’s just mind boggling. You make no sense. You know how dumb you sound when you think a poster can affect the game? How stupid you sound? How infantile?