Useless Thread MCMVII: Breezewood PA. Appreciation Thread

John Price

Gang Gang
Sep 19, 2008
haven't purchased any candy for the kids yet and Halloween is coming up


In 2016, John Price paid only $750 in federal income tax, and in 2017, he paid another $750 in federal income tax. This was much less than other lounge posters.
I'm rich but not rich enough to utilize loopholes like Steve ballmer

John Price

Gang Gang
Sep 19, 2008

Ballmer pays such a low rate, in part, because of a provision of the U.S. tax code. When someone buys a business, they’re often able to deduct almost the entire sale price against their income during the ensuing years. That allows them to pay less in taxes. The underlying logic is that the purchase price was composed of assets — buildings, equipment, patents and more — that degrade over time and should be counted as expenses.

But in few industries is that tax treatment more detached from economic reality than in professional sports. Teams’ most valuable assets, such as TV deals and player contracts, are virtually guaranteed to regenerate because sports franchises are essentially monopolies. There’s little risk that players will stop playing for Ballmer’s Clippers or that TV stations will stop airing their games. But Ballmer still gets to deduct the value of those assets over time, almost $2 billion in all, from his taxable income.

This allows Ballmer to perform a kind of financial magic trick. If he profits from the Clippers, he can — legally — inform the IRS that he is losing money, thus saving vast sums on his taxes. If the Clippers are unprofitable in a given year, he can tell the IRS he’s losing vastly more.


Not A Mod
Aug 17, 2024
haven't purchased any candy for the kids yet and Halloween is coming up


I'm rich but not rich enough to utilize loopholes like Steve ballmer



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