I don’t like them but I don’t think they’re garbage. They’re just not my “cup of tea.” I’m not going to actively seek out any matches involving The Young Bucks.
I guess it’d be partly unpopular here because of how people perceived him after a certain point, myself included for a bit, but I think Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt should have been the top guys out of that 2012-2014 time frame leading the charge right now with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins behind them. I don’t think Seth has the natural charisma as a babyface to lead a brand, and while he’s the best in-ring of The Shield, I would have had him solidly as the #3 in terms of everything else.
Dean was so naturally over as a babyface, a role he hadn’t really played before in his career, and at times he was easily the most over guy (this was when Bryan was retired). He should have had the HHH match at Wrestlemania for the title, not Roadblock. He was the best on the mic of The Shield, oozed charisma and presence and he was unique. Every demographic loved him. He appealed to women, he appealed to men, he appealed to children. There was no reason he shouldn’t have been the man other than the obsession with Roman Reigns, who I’d have #2 because he can go in the ring, good on the mic when not overly scripted, has presence, a good look and can switch between being a bully heel or a babyface even if fans don’t take to him. He’s also a good ambassador for WWE.
Bray Wyatt speaks for itself. I don’t need to justify this. Big man with presence, oozes charisma, agile as hell, a unique ring style and one of the best talkers of this generation, and maybe ever when all is set and done. Dean and Wyatt were the top two talkers in the company and both were totally screwed by booking.
I KNOW Wyatt won’t be the unpopular portion here, but Ambrose definitely is if I’m remembering the board’s perception to him over the last little bit, and I was the same until you realize he was overworked to hell and had to work a safer style that can keep him going, and could very well have been creatively unmotivated long before his injury (I personally noticed a dip after the Austin podcast and how he was booked thereafter).