His heel turn is long overdue.
I can't remember what Wrestlemania it was but he cut a promo during the pre-show where he was backstage entering the arena. He had his hair slicked back into a ponytail and was wearing sunglasses. And he cut the promo at the beginning like a heel. Cocky and arrogant. Then he switched gears halfway through the promo, kinda like the first part was all sarcasm, and went back to his "aww shucks" face character. But you could see the natural heel sitting below the surface.
I still contend WWE missed the boat completely that Raw right after WM 33 where he supposedly retired the Undertaker. He came out to open the show and kept putting the mic up to his face to speak, and the boos got louder, and he'd put the mic down, pause, and attempt to speak again, and the boos rained down some more, and eventually claimed it's his yard now. He was getting, in my opinion, Mr. McMahon 1998 level heat. Just off the charts. A week later, he's backstage cutting a promo back to his face character before he gets jumped by a heel Stroman to ignite their feud.
How creative didn't feel that legit heat he at the post-WM Raw and not run with it is beyond me. He should of been the hottest heel in the business 3 years ago.