Ugliest Photos of Hockey Players

Is it me or did Kelly Buchberger look a lot like Fire Marshall Bill?
For that matter, let's discuss an interesting phenomenon: why hockey players always seem FAR more attractive on the ice than they do off of it:

Rod Seiling was never a beauty, but he's looking more and more like a basset hound, as the years go by.



Bill Speer, the "Boston Bruins legend"

Another Bill (Barber, that is)

At a guess, I suspect his girlfriend Vicki Moss and her mother -- who organized his fan-club in the early 80s -- were responsible. These photos look like ones an aspiring pop singer in the early 80s would pose for... not like those a hockey player would.

I wonder if Janet pulls these out now when she's pissed at him.
when i google search george harris aeros, i dont get this pic, i only get this pic referenced back to this board, the actual picture you posted, what site gave you that pic is the question i guess! cause its not coming up for me no matter how i enter his name, except the very link here whic is sort of self defeating sadly
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