There is an interesting discussion here. I agree with Gordon somewhat. Even more than Soap opera, or space opera, or sitcom, I like formula. I find it comforting to predict what will happen to a point or in comedy to get the joke. I take it to ridiculous extremes a la' the The Wild Wild West though.
Btw I will never get Seinfeld....something about it just leaves me totally cold even when I get the set-up(s) and the joke(s). If it is any comfort, I think I am the only one who feels that way about the show.
The Wild Wild West television show? Used to watch the reruns.
As for Seinfeld, I liked Jerry when appearing on The Tonight Show, and watched The Seinfeld Chronicles, a summer replacement (1989) from the beginning.
I understand how that show might leave one "cold."
It's the show, famously, where "No one hugs, and no one learns anything." The characters were basically terrible people.
I prefer shows like Frasier, which, among many attributes, had a heart.
Seinfeld had no heart.
But, emprically, it was funny. Anything -- anything -- for the joke. Larry David & Seinfeld pulled out all the stops.
I get that and in its way, it's brilliant. I can't stand Curb Your Enthusiasm -- basically, a schmuck going around being a schmuck, cringe beyond belief -- but I get it. Just not for me.
I would say this: When I'm upset, very upset, I don't go for a comedy with heart. I'm too exhausted and I don't want plot strings.
Seinfeld it is.
Bill Burr works on a purely Masshole level as well.
God bless him.