Definitely an Archer fan, all the way back to Frisky Dingo and the Xtacles days.
But similarly kind of fell off around season 6/7. Of the recent seasons, might be unpopular but I really found myself enjoying Season 9: Danger Island. The Archer-Pam-Krieger trio are probably my favorites and they got to have their own little adventure that was more or less the main story. I had higher hopes for this season but feel it's been pretty hit or miss. The most recent episode, Road Trip (6), was one of my least favorite episodes in a while, just felt really off and then low and behold - written by the not-usual writer/creator which probably explained some of that.
But the episode before that Mr. Deadly Goes to Town - featuring a new fav: Matt Berry - might have been my favorite of the season. He's one of the vampires on the What We Do in the Shadows tv show, which took a bit to get rolling but I found myself really enjoying and looking forward to eps by the end of the season.
He has one of the most unique cadences and deliveries I've ever heard it just makes me laugh to hear him talk at this point.