We can say a lot of things about Twitter wannabes. One of them is Maxim Guérin, who likes to say that he has contacts that he can tap into (unnamed, of course) and he has his lot of doubters on this forum.
However, unlike many others on Twitter who are just trying to collect likes and followers for the sake of getting them, Guérin is not afraid to speak his mind. He's called out several fake insiders (even though he might himself be one until proven otherwise).
But, now, finally, he's posted the ultimate Tweet -- one that has angered several mainstream media types since Guérin has dared ask a question that your average sports fan following Quebec media has dared to ask:
TRANSLATION: Knowing that for many, Montreal media is a high pressure environment, if you had the ability to remove 5 reporters/ columnists/ opinion mongerers orbiting around the Habs, who would they be? Who are you sick of watching/ listening to?
A few offended mainstream types responded to the Tweet. Several users complained that the question was unduly negative and trashy.
However, several other users did respond. And here are the names that came up repeatedly:
1. Top of the list: Reggie Tremblay
2. Philippe Cantin
3. Michel Bergeron
4. JiC
5. Marc deFoy
But wait, there are more ...
Renaud Lavoie
Gaston Therrien
François Gagnon
Norman Flynn
Many more but not in the same numbers as all of the above. How in the world did we get stuck with all of these incompetents?
Some honorable mentions to English media people: Jack Todd, Brendan Kelly and PJ Stock (although his main gig appears to be as a franco media contributor).
I could have added my own list: Sean Campbell, Gallo, Mario Tremblay (also mentioned but once only), Benoit Brunet (mentioned once only) ... what about including a PxP guy -- the Castrato on Spanre?
To those users who claimed that "it's only sports, why shit on people" -- well, those of you who are paying for cable, go see what they charge you for sports packages on Bell and Videotron. If you had all your sports channels removed, your bill would be incredibly cheap. So, somewhere, many of us are contributing to the salaries of these bozos.
And now with Chantal having become a Habs employee, how many more at RDS will turn into paper tigers?
EDIT: just noticed now that the Tweet I had quoted, no longer exists. Looking into it further, it appears that Guérin’s account has been terminated. What an unexpected turn of events!