Add to this that it looked like he was being seriously considered for an Olympic spot before he came over to Hartford.As someone who has followed Andersson all season (literally in some cases) I am still surprised by the number of people who bring up the 1 negative thing and completely ignore the positives. You don't need to skate fast if you can read the game the way he does. Skate smart, not hard, so to speak. His skating has not held him back so far and he was playing at a higher level than the majority of the top-10 in the 2017 draft.
I hate the "do you even watch the games" argument but I am going to use it in this case. When you are in the stadium watching the game you have the opportunity to focus on 1 player. I've done that every time I was at a game Lias was playing, and when you follow him closely, he reminds me so much of Jagr in the way he skates. He is so smart, knows exactly where the puck will end up. The most important aspect to arriving on time, is leaving on time. And he is absolutely great when it comes to that part of the game. Jagr was the same way. Not the fastest, but he knew how the play would unfold. That's not something you can teach. It's a rare skill.
Is Lias perfect? Far from it. Does he have areas he can improve? You bet. He's 19 years old. But he had one of the best D+1 seasons I've seen in a long time. Everyone talks about Elias Pettersson but I think Lias was just as impressive in the role he was handed. He led his team in goals and points at the World Juniors. He had the 2nd highest PPG average in the last few years in the SHL. He then came over to NA to play for Hartford and had 14 points in 25 games, a handful of games near the end of the NHL season, before flying back to Europe to participate in the EHT. Let's not forget that he was selected for his senior national team to play in the World Championships following his performance in the EHT.
His performance was good enough for Gronborg to call him up. But somehow all I hear is "He can't skate". It's ridiculous.
To reiterate a point you've made in the past: It was hardly a coincidence that it was after the EHT break that Lias went from "marginal bottom-6:er" to "PPG forward and one of the best players on his team" - he finally got a break to properly rest up.My thoughts on the Lias discussions:
- I saw all of his games from the WJSS last season. He started really well and then obviously became more and more tired during the tournament. One of my first comments on him was -- don't count on him making the NHL right away because he must add another gear to his skating. From there it was on to Frölunda's preseason to Traverse to NHL camp, no rest or time to build up his body. It wore on him.
-Early last season the kid was obviously worn out. We blew his development in that sense, we should have been able to figure out that his schedule had been over-full and basically have him return to Sweden or yank him from Traverse or something. Anyway, if you haven't been able to build up the body during the off-season you will get gassed when you hit the ice and when you are gassed you won't have much energy. It was so obvious, I commented on it multiple times. Sometimes he took 20 sec shifts. You could see how he conserved energy to not get caught on the ice defensively.
-This improved during the spring. He could take longer shifts and had more jump.
Ultimately, Lias challenge is two-folded. Firstly, he must have stamina and the physical resources to last all shifts of a hockey game. I think the challenge this pose easily is very very underrated. Hockey isn't digital or a video game. The product on the ice is the result of a bunch of things. Sometimes I see someone look at stats of a kid and draw conclusions of what that will amount to for the coming decades. How do you know what shape that kid is in? Can the kid bring it for 20 sec per shift for two periods before losing his legs or the full game? For many kids its an around the clock work for several years to get to any kind of pro skating shape. EliteProspects have Lias at 5'11 and 205 lbs. There is a reason for why so many of the kids doing well right now are 155-165 lbs instead of 205 lbs. Playing hockey is like running up for stairs. Put two guys next to each other, one fit kid 160 lbs and the other being a fit kid that is 205 lbs and put them on the first level of a big building in NY. I know who I would bet on to reach the top.
Secondly, Lias must improve his skating stride. I don't think this is as bad as some make it out to be. Many look at the two issues mentioned above and combine them and attribute to his stride alone. I think that is an incomplete observation.
We should have no illusions that its possible for a kid like Lias at 5'11 205 lbs to over night "get into shape" and fly on the ice for the duration of a 45 sec shift in the NHL night in and night out at the age of 20. Kids face different challenges, extremely few hockey players are ready to play in the NHL at the age of 19-20. This is part of the physical maturation process for kids. Why did a kid like Mark Schleife make the NHL when he was 22 years and 5 months and not 18-20? Or 21??? He wasn't physically mature enough. 7th overall pick in 2011. Had we drafted him 7th overall, many would have asked his second summer when he was 20 if he had not worked out since he wasn't NHL ready...
So I agree, improving his stride is important for Lias. But more so is giving him time and letting him develop. Its obviously that we are not used to developing kids around the NYR. Patience.
And apparently lost some weight too:Lias is 6'1 now no?
According to the lineups for Traverse he is
But I agree, if he can work on his skating, he can push the pace more
In addition, I don't agree at all with the description that Lias only in a subtle way is able to get things done on the ice. My view is that he is able to consistently make top notch high caliber plays when he gets the puck in dangerous areas. The reason he is not pwning the ice, at any level, is because he isn't getting involved enough, he isn't ending up with the puck on his stick in those situations often enough -- since he does not skate well enough right now.
Lias is subtle in the same way Yzerman was subtle when he played on one leg in the POs for Detroit in -- was it 2002? -- if you get what I mean... If you can't push the pace on the ice with your skating you will not dominate it.
Nice.And apparently lost some weight too:
I must admit, I've warmed on him bit.
Everytime I see someone call Lias a poor skater I want to punch a baby giraffe.
His first few steps are bad, other than that he's fine. His speed is okay once he gets going, it just takes him a while to get there which isn't ideal, but it's hardly a killer.
Everytime I see someone call Lias a poor skater I want to punch a baby giraffe.
His first few steps are bad, other than that he's fine. His speed is okay once he gets going, it just takes him a while to get there which isn't ideal, but it's hardly a killer.
you just described Dylan mcilrath.
your first steps and pivot ability is all that really matters in the nhl. everyone in the league can skate ok once they get going.
Andersson's pivot ability is pretty damn good though. His edgework/change of direction, etc, is quite good, he's just not an explosive skater. It's a legitimate criticism, but also may not be something that holds him back as much as people think.
I've honestly started to hate these prospect tournaments because they mean almost nothing...we've seen guys who can't even hack it in the AHL have a great tournament, while guys who go on to be top flight NHLers have so-so tournaments at best, yet we're all ready to declare players steals or busts based on point totals and a few viewings from absurdly bad angles
Jesus Christ. I came here for TC Tourney news/updates/etc... gotta sift through 30 pages of bashing and disagreement instead. Everyone is so hockey deprived lol
It's amazing that all the REAL scouts in their reports called him an excellent skater. However, our WANNABE scouts here continue to bash it. Thus, why I listen to nothing our make believe scouts say on these boards. Lias is an intangibles player. He's 19 at the moment. He probably won't mature his game until 23-24 and will be one of those guys who is really good over 30. I'll say it again. The players on this team the past 2 years are dumb with hockey IQ and lazy. Two things Lias will never be. We need a lot more of players like him and a lot less of the Buchnevich's who simply don't give a crap.