Well, again how did you think this was going to work?
That the team was just going to make due with back up goalies every year and never have a breaking point?
You were just going to keep going to Cup Finals with Dan Cloutiers in net? Was that the plan?
What's happening is normal actually. Skinner needed to have the kind of season where he steps up and cements himself as a bonafied starting goalie, ideally a pretty good one. That was the whole song and dance we were sold last year no? You can't be too hard on Skinner! He's young! Wait till he gets more exerperience!
Well he's had the experience of a Cup Final now and game 7 no less, and he's come back with a worse season than the previous two. With a team coming off a grueling previous season, this is the last thing the team needed. It's like being asked to walk 10 km after you're already exhausted ... that would suck in and of itself, now imagine being told you'll be walking all uphill.