He's shown ability to learn and adapt as a young GM. I'm not a fan boy, and I'm not anti-dubas. He's made mistakes in my eyes for sure, but he's shown he is willing to pivot. Last year we tried it with some added grit, but they were either too old (like Thornton), or they had no back-up, like Simmonds. Foligno was a good thought, but a failed experiment ultimately. What's Dubas do? Gets even tougher, but this time, with mid 20s guys instead of mid 30s + guys. Mrazek swapped for Andersen is a win imo. Better goalie, cheaper contract, used to being a tandem. Great partner for Soupy. Never going to have that feeling of playing "the back-up" this season. Ritchie & Kase swapped for Foligno, calling that a win too. The two guys we have are combined cheaper, and bring multiple elements. Hyman was never tough, just played hard. Bunting is going to try his best to replace that. Difference being 950k compared to 5.5mil. Wherever he falls short of replicating Hyman, will be at least warranted. Gabriel in for Thornton, Gabriel skates better and is a tough tough customer. Thornton brought little of nothing outside of a great locker room guy. So if call that a win too. When you break everything down, I actually think we're maybe not as sexy on paper, but better equipped to handle tough games.