How many times does it need explaining? Most of us who want to see the team be more robust, aren't talking about having 5 face punches in the lineup, he'll not even one really.
We're talking about a team who won't just turn the other cheek, who'll initiate and not solely respond, but will respond when required, who'll come to the aid of a teammate when needed and not just stand there when a teammate is getting double teamed
A team with players who'll choose to make plays when they're tough plays to make, not just duck/cover, bail and give up possession.
A team that will make it their business when a young rookie gets bulldogged and slammed into the ice, and send a very clear message as many times as it takes.
When a team is willing to respond, the Sam Bennetts will still take their shot because that's who they are. You just can't let them walk away scott free, someone on the opposition has to pay double and possibly more.