I generally respond to everyone that takes the time to respond to me. That does generate a lot of posts and sometimes results in a variety of tangents as I get into the nuances of each individual reply.
I’m not trying to win you over or win a popularity contest. Just give views to think about and of course not shy away from those that resort to personal pettiness. That style of interaction cannot be allowed to go unchecked.
If you find something that isn’t worth a bother, it’s likely because it was nuanced to the individual and the discussions we had.
For example,
@Volcanologist was fond of challenging my view that coaching isn’t as important as talent, talent performing and health.
I have responded to him directly on that and noticed a post of his where he blamed the recent slump on injuries and poor play. He of course, didn’t respond.
Not trying to win anyone else over to acknowledging that talent and health have more of an impact than coaching. Just a thought seed for him specifically to think about.