are you seriousWhat did we give up????
f*** man I wanted Hall
Why not trade all out picks then? Draft shmaft right?COnsdiering we haven't won a cup in nearly 60 years....and haven't passed the 1st rd in over a decade...I think this is the last season you wanna be thinking about Picks.
We still have solid prospects in 0ur pipeline
Literally the biggest and really only area for improvement is the PP, and he was able to pick up the one high end rental that does nothing to help with that. No idea what he's thinking
Ya'll overrating the f*** out of 31st pick.
So that zeke guy called Foligno+Nash for a 1st like 2 months ago.
This helps prove my point. Thanks.
All those shitty goals our goalies have been giving up, the poor defensive play we have been prone to over the last month or so... that is Foligno's wheelhouse, plus he's a leader, he's similar to Hyman in many ways. I don't think you put him at center, he's better at wing.
I don't think we are done trading. there is still Ekholm out there. Nashville is in a playoff position by a hair, I don't think they are going to hang on to Eck. trade for Forsberg and Ekholm, I have no clue how to fit them under the cap but get those 2 and you can book the SC Parade on Bloor Street.
I was listening to a draft discussion this week. They said it’s pretty tough to rank players who haven’t played in a year. You can make some guesses on the top 15-20 or so, but a player ranked as 2nd rounder could be better than that now, so I hope the Leafs scouts were paying attention in 2019.Imagine caring about a 1st in this season ..
How much cap space did the leafs have before and were they accruing cap space as they used LTIR multiple times? Folingo makes like 5.6 or so, at 75% retention that is 1.4, did they have 1.4 million in cap space if they weren't accruing cap space because of LTIR and if Andy will return? Im curious as I dont know
The whole point of the deadline is to upgrade areas of weakness, and that's really the only one. If they were prepared to trade a first, it may as well have gotten a useful return
His wheel house is taking dumb obstruction minors and producing less than 0.5 ppg offensively, while playing 18+ minutes per night.
Cost a 1st and 2 - 4ths manWill reserve judgment until I see what it cost
Rangers fan coming in peace.
What do you guys think this deal will do for Galch's place in the lineup? I was going to pick him up in my fantasy league but now I'm not sure if that is still a good idea.
f*** HallNot a fan of this deal at all. Paying an extremely high price for a very mediocre / below-average player at this point. Could have gotten Hall for that much, easily. Hall won't even net a 1st supposedly.
I didn't understand the Hall hype.. This team needs more Hymans, we already have the big 4. Foligno is a Hyman type. Maybe he's only a 3rd liner, maybe he plays LW in the top 6, but he makes the team that much deeper.