i understand the willander comparisons to hedican and jovo but i think he's a less extreme example of a guy playing catch up on hockey iq. to watch him he's more of a natural all rounder hockey player learning reads in a challenging new position than a slightly awkward looking hockey player with raw talent but focussing on hockey late. i think hedican was focussed on football when younger, and jovo was a soccer guy. they were so naturally talented that they were able to mostly catch up and be great but you could argue both could have been truly elite players if their "hockey iq" had matched their raw talent.
willander to me has no absolutely amazing stand out raw talent like skating or athelticism at the level of hedican and jovo that compensated for a less developed hockey iq. to me he also shows more natural hockey poise or iq a lot of the time but is still learning how to read the ice as a dman and sometimes is not sure what to do. it's the difference between being fast enough to recognize a situation and react but not knowing what to do, rather than being too slow to recognize and react at all. i think he's going to be great if his reads as a defenceman keep developing and he fills in the gaps.
sidebar, but i think you could go down a road analysing what hockey iq is using guys like jovo and hedican. they kind of stand out as exceptions in the "all the tools but no toolbox" cliche. it's more like they had serviceable toolboxes from canadian tire full of snap-on tools.