News Article: Therrien And Briere

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Feb 4, 2016
Give me a freaking break.

Spare us the "self entitlement culture" nonsense. A coach's job is to get the best out of his players. MT was incompetent on every level. Roster mgmt, systems, player relations... it doesn't get any worse than this guy.

You can whine about "entitlement" all you want but who gives a crap about it? EVERY team would have this. Having a coach perform a Festivus type airing of the grievances every day with his players as MT did is just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

He's the worst coach we ever had and he's one of the worst things that ever happened to this franchise. He came at the absolute worst time for us and we're still feeling the effects of his incompetence. Five years removed from a great young core and now we're talking about a rebuild. How the hell did our idiot GM hire this guy let alone stick by him well beyond reason? It was a shockingly bad decision and it should've cost MB his job already. Unfortunately it looks like our owner is just as dumb as his GM.
Yes sir. Its a good thing I have found out I am a hockey fan first, a Habs fan second.

Because the classy Canadiens franchise that was around for so long........ is long gone.

Even my brother who is a huge Bruins fan has gone from laughing and taking pleasure.... to (the other day calling it) "kind of sad"

He, a Bruins fan taking pitty?? Me, a huge Habs fan...... dont even bother to watch them ??

There was a day when I would have thought this to be impossible.

Oh well ...this evenings game of the night...... Tbay vs Boston. Stamps and the boys are good to watch.
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Registered User
Mar 23, 2011
The rumors of what he said about Max being the worst captain in Canadiens history and what he did to Shaw really don't seem too unbelievable. When multiple players come out saying the same type of stories about Therrien it says something. The same type of coach Therrien was with Terry Ryan seems to be the same one Briere faced and that's concerning. It also explains why things began to falter when Gallant left because a guy like him is who you need to have to act as a buffer.

At least what he said was true... fault therrien for being a POS but at least he tells the truth, not like mark "no one trades a number centre" bergevin


Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
Not a fan of Therrien, but they actually loved him in Laval. BGL and Cube said as much. And they won the Memorial cup.

I mean, not saying he's not a jerk but...

I'm sure when he started, he wasn't such a jerk too.....takes time to build an ego and somekind of reputation to get away with this. I have to admit that most things we heard about Therrien started after that big win....started more in the Terry Ryan's years.

Remember when P.K. Subban was finally nominated to be on Team Canada and Michel Therrien benched him the same night.....Only an ass can do that.

Remember after his 1st game behind the bench, he put Eller in the stands for a few games. That's a total bias jerk move.

From throwing players under the bus publicly (and sometimes even the wrong ones) to rumor about his comments about Pacioretty or the rumour about Shaw's treatment in the room that led to his firing.

From the Ryan's and Briere's book to Weaver, Weise, Subban, DSP, Parenteau, Belanger, Whitney, Ruutu, Hossa and Orpik's comments about Therrien (And many more)....there's no doubt he's simply an ass.

He probably thought that coaching was like Yvan Ponton in Lance et Compte.


All we are is Dustin Byfuglien
Jul 15, 2006
What are the rumors abouts Shaw? Missed them


Registered User
Mar 18, 2013
Wild West
Therrien would take his socks and shoes off to cut his toenails on the bus and proceed to throw the nail clippings at the bus driver's face, ears and nose. When Therrien was done clipping his toenails, he curled up into a ball on the seat and farted in the bus drivers face all the way to Quebec.
What an ogre THERRIBAD was,is.
Certainly a bad reflection on Bergy to have condoned this B.S. for all those years.We squandered 5 years.

The Bergerrien cover-up.
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Feb 4, 2016
«It was Michel's way of doing things. If you had a so-so game, he wouldn't meet you at practice the next day to clarify things or to give you ways of improving your game. [...] Pierre Gervais would come and get you 2 hours before the game (to come and meet Therrien). And then he would let it all come out. He would shove your mistakes down your throat and you were completely obliterated just before the game. Then you'd start your game frustrated, with no concentration whatsoever. » - David Desharnais
Thanks .

Yea Therrien always looked to me like he took every single mistake, loss or bad play personally. As if it was his house and you walked in without taking your muddy shoes off.

So insecure in his own lack of skill he was always scared for his own job. He coached not to get fired. In his own mind he was never accountable, always some body elses fault. No vision. In his feeble small minded way of looking at the situation the players would be HIS down fall because HE could not coach a team to save HIS life and HE knew it.

But most EVERYBODY knew is MB who is the bigger moron for hiring AND extending the chain smoking badger.

Le Tricolore

Aug 3, 2005
What are the rumors abouts Shaw? Missed them
Rumour has it that Shaw took a bad penalty, and in the dressing room Therrien just went after him in front of everyone.

Pretty mild compared to the Briere thing, but it's still not something a coach should be doing in front of everyone. Embarrassment is not a good way to get the best out of your players.


Giggidy Giggidy Goo
Jul 1, 2004
When I first read the article I thought "Well Brière probably thought he could still play on the first line and didn't realize he was washed up while Therrien was the same old arrogant bully he's always been, no wonder they got into a fight...

But then when you read that quote from Desharnais, it's 1000% confirmed Therrien is an ass. Proves once more than Bergevin is not a good judge of his ever so important "character". Pathetic management team.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Thanks .

Yea Therrien always looked to me like he took every single mistake, loss or bad play personally. As if it was his house and you walked in without taking your muddy shoes off.
It was becoming such an obvious trend. @Whitesnake, myself, and others would bring this up regularly in his threads arguing against some of his defenders.
Win a game, the players executed. Lose a game, the players didn't execute. Never his fault. Nothing ever wrong with the system. Despite the fact we would win most of the times without actually outplaying our opponents, which points towards systemic flaws, not a peep about his so called system.
He always liked to blame his players or give them a back handed compliment by crediting them to executing HIS super gameplan.
And then he would also send big F-O messages to his team by keeping Montoya in nets for 10 goals was it? Or when he decided not to pull his goalie when we trailed by a goal and when asked about it he threw his whole team under the boss saying they weren't going to score anyways.
He's always been a pompous dick. It's one thing to be one when you are a proven savvy tactician, players are going to take on the beating because they know you can still teach them things and do well. But when you suck and act like you're some great coach....only a matter of time before it backfires.
If it weren't for the talent Bergevin inherited, Therrien would have been gone sooner.

I just can't believe how much support he got from some posters here. Come to think of it, it's pretty much the same with Bergevin. The difference is it's no longer "da record", it's "3 division wins!!".
Same stupid line of arguing.

Captain Mountain

Formerly Captain Wolverine
Jun 6, 2010
At least what he said was true... fault therrien for being a POS but at least he tells the truth, not like mark "no one trades a number centre" bergevin

Meh, Gionta was also the worst captain in Canadiens history. Koivu was also the worst captain in Canadiens history. Much like declarations of worst Prime Minister, these claims are more emotional than factual.
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BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
Yes sir. Its a good thing I have found out I am a hockey fan first, a Habs fan second.

Because the classy Canadiens franchise that was around for so long........ is long gone.

Even my brother who is a huge Bruins fan has gone from laughing and taking pleasure.... to (the other day calling it) "kind of sad"

He, a Bruins fan taking pitty?? Me, a Habs dont even bother to watch them .

There was a day when I would have thought this to be impossible.

Oh well ...this evenings game of the night...... Tbay vs Boston. Stamps and the boys are good to watch.

I'm sure it's tearing him apart lol
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BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
I'm not quite sure why Therrien being a d**k is a story lol I mean, who didn't know that?

I liked Marc Denis' take on it this morning on 690 (btw, Marc Denis is a god send to the media in Montreal, he's excellent) what Brière said about Therrien is probably the watered down version of what really went on, he also said that coaches like Tortorella, Crawford, Hartley, etc are known for stuff like this.

None of this should really be shocking to anyone...Therrien isn't a new school coach, he doesn't know how to handle millenials and that's why he won't ever get a job in the NHL again.


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Oct 30, 2002
Nova Scotia
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Shook my head when I saw that the first it aired on 24ch. At that moment, I knew he hadn't changed. How anyone can look DD and Gio straight in the eye and call them grinders is beyond me. "do it my way guys, cause I don't know another."
It's hard to believe someone would give a clown like this an NHL coaching job...says more about a certain GM than anything...sad.
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Oct 21, 2006
Tortorella has seemed to have turned a page knowing he’d have to calm down to continue working. But every interview he’s had leading up to today made it seem like behind the madness there was a genuine and intelligent man. That doesn’t seem to exist with Therrien.

This type of coaching is going by the wayside. If a youth minor league or junior coach is caught doing this he’d be fired quickly, so the culture is changing at a young age. Then they get to the NHL and are millionaires and some moron that has never played the game is telling you that you’re a POS? Lol okay buddy.
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Nov 7, 2008
on an island
The organization has been managed by terrible GMs the last few years (Pierre Gauthier, MB). Its amazing how in 2017 w/t the advent of a salary cap that a GM doesn't understand the medium and long-term impact of treating their players like POS. Regardless of the fact that players make millions of dollars, they don't want to be belittled and berated by the team leadership (coach, GM, ownership).

B/W the crazy media/journalists and how they have been treating the players the last decade or so... is it any wonder the organization has trouble attracting UFA's without throwing a boat-load of $$$ at them or getting players to sign "hometown" discounts?
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Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
Even when the guy is gone gotta have a huge thread dedicated to blasting him.

MT is an asshole. Seems like he was one back in his JR days. Lots of successful people are assholes. Gates/Bezos/UBER CEO the list can go no and on. Don't really care how he treated millionaire athletes. Being an asshole is what got him to where he is. It got him to the NHL, one of the top winningst coaches in habs history, a SCF with the Pens, and sitting on the couch with no job today because the team quit on him.

And why wouldn't MB extend him. He was extended June 2014. The team just came off an ECF run, and 2 years under him was 7th best team in the NHL. Don't put those 2 years on Price, 12th in GF/11th in GA. The year after he was extended the team finishes in 2nd place in the NHL!

I kinda miss the habs under MT. Maybe the team grinded too much for some but I enjoyed the habs sitting at the top of the standings. I enjoyed that if the team got a goal or two you felt it was game over, not the hockey we are seeing today where the other team will score 2 goals in a minute and its game over for the habs. He didn't ruin any players. Lars had his best seasons under MT. Same for AG. AG scored 30 under MT and played over 100 games at C. Today he will be lucky to get 20 and won't ever see the C position again. Pleks/Markov were having career years even in their 30's under the guy. PK with a Norris and 60 point season. Max actually scoring 35+ goals instead of his 20 he probably gets this year. Heck even Price looked better under MT!

MT's first 3.5 years were fun times to be a habs fan. The team was on the up, it had young guys who looked like they could be stars backed by a goalie many felt was the best in the world. After Price went down and he had no answers to the slide I think he lost the room and his way of coaching just wasn't flying with the team anymore. He hung on for a while after that but his crap became to much and eventually the room tuned him out again and he was rightfully fired.

All I know is I would rather watch the habs at the top of the standings like they were for 75% of MT's tenure than this bottom of the league team we are seeing now. Wins are the most exciting part of hockey. If grinding out 3-2,2-1 wins in nail biting games where Price is making huge saves and Max is scoring huge goals is what it takes that's more entertaining than seeing a million shots at net and losing 6-0 or 5-2 etc...


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
Is anyone really surprised? Looks how Terry Ryan described Therrien in his book. I can't believe people still defend him. He was an average to below average coach who never won anything in the NHL i.e. Stanley Cup. Dude has his plan and never moves from it, he is constantly out coached because he is bad at adapting to unexpected situations.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2017
Are you freaking serious?

This is a guy who'd pull players aside every day for the sole reason of berating them. There was no strategic thought with this dinosaur, he believed in dump and chase for Pete's sake. The guy almost single handedly ruined a good young core.

Ripping a player is one thing, making it part of your daily routine is another. This guy was a cancer and at the very top of the list for worst coaches we've ever had - and yes that includes Mario Tremblay.

His record says otherwise. 375 wins in 756 games. He's not the best coach, but he's far from bad as you suggest. We had a pretty good record with him too as coach, even the year he got fired, 31 wins, 19 losses.

Sure he could've changed his coaching style up, but players ultimately are the reason for winning or losing.


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