I totally think Kakko made the right call to not go to the Combine. Actually meant to post just that before the news broke. All this travelling and camps and games across the globe during the summer is downright insane from a development POV.
I think individual sports (especially winter sports) get more attention here in Europe. The contrast of how they prepare compared to a young hockey player is very striking. They isolate themselves from the outside world to avoid getting infections/viruses and train extremely hard for several months during the off-season. An argument with an agent/promotor or whatever and their trainers about if the athleet in question should fly back and forth across the Atlantic the entire summer for different events would end up in a fist fight.
Kakko should send his agent to the draft with a picture of him planted on a sign, can walk up to the podium with that. Focus on preparing for the season. Preparing is about three things; training, rest and food. Its as simple as that. No stress, no travel, no new environments. No appartment searching, moving worries etc etc etc etc etc etc.
I would agree with the part about the draft if our prospect camp wasn't immediately after it. He should 100% be at the camp, if for no other reason than to meet the team's management and familiarize himself with NYC a little.