The league has got to figure out a way to create better referees. More extensive training, more involved processes. IDK. But it's really bad almost every single game.
I thought Cam was about to knock Jones' ass out on that dumb ass penalty. And I wouldn't have minded. If the HC isn't going to hold people accountable, then the vets need to do the policing.
Pickens has had some head-scratching moments the past few games, like he's forgotten some of the basics. Drag your damn foot!
I really think Najee lacks the ability to anticipate. If the hole opens up early he's fine but if he has to use his noggin to figure out if he has to go elsewhere, he ends up hesitating himself to a loss of yards or running to where the hole is supposed to be and up his own lineman's ass.
Pickett looked OK. I really don't expect him to look phenomenal in this offense, so I guess I'm OK with OK. He was also clearly not 100%.
I didn't get to see what happen to Holcomb but I heard it was pretty nasty. Hopefully a "looks worse than it is" situation, but he was clutching his knee on the cart, so make of that what you will.
I really do not recall there being so many of these situations where a player gets knocked out from his head banging on the ground as there seem to be now throughout various level of football. Very strange with all the tech improvements.