It's that whole narrative of who is better and if he was out there he would get hired immediately.
UMMMMM, well, so would half the league. And before we had Tomlin, nobody had any idea what kind of HC he would be, same with Cowher, same with Noll.
I wish I could go on those shows and call them out for their ridiculous takes.
Wasn't that the same retort we've heard for years with Sully? "Who else are we gonna get?"
At some point I can only hope HE has to realize that he can't get it done and will retire. I don't think the Steelers will fire's not something they do and they will be dropping big hints for him to hang it up or maybe come right out and tell him to move on.
I think he is starting to get it a little that he just doesn't have what it takes to make it again. Or maybe he never did? He won with a Cowher team that was overflowing with talent and hall of famers. As time has moved on with his influence on the team they have lost that championship mojo. You could see it with the 2010 Cowher's team slowly faded out so did the playoff wins. His best year was 2016 when the Steelers had Ben, Brown, Bell and Bryant. They had a great team that year and he couldn't do it. They got smoked in the AFC Championship game. I mean it wasn't even close. He could coach the chiefs right now and they would probably lose their first playoff game.
He's Mediocre Mike...he's also very egotistical. He doesn't want to come to the grips with the fact a lot of the failures are because of him. He started out on a tear with playoffs his first year and then a Super Bowl win in 2008 season and then appearance in the 2011 Super Bowl. Since then it been mediocre Mike. All that success early on puffed up his big head to think that he was some great coach and he knew exactly what he was doing. I think it's finally starting to sink in to him that he is not. As he has influenced this team over the years they've become just like him...mediocre.
All the talking heads love him. Oh he's a players coach...he's great to work under...on and on and on. That's great but last time I checked the NFL is about winning. When they give out a trophy for nicest coach maybe he will win something. L:ike Tomlin remarked on Parker's ire about not getting the ball some time ago "Every day I walk past 6 Lombardi trophies not 6 Mr. Congeniality trophies".
Then we hear from the "experts" that you don't want him to leave because he will be hired the next day. I hope when he does leave that the Ravens or Bengals hire him. Then we won't have to worry about them winning a championship anymore. He can go to one of them and make them mediocre.