This is just 1 guys view on fred....that is echoed by others:
My issue is Fred's hijacking of the offense was never about winning. It was so he had good numbers to be perceived as a lead guard to help him get paid this summer. It didn't matter if it ruined the season. He put himself before the team and it was a major factor in us sucking this year. There is no way you say Fred was a force for good this past season. With the media tours, never taking accountability until he felt the heat, shooting percentage, lack of leadership, refusing to play off ball, talking down to the young guys, and just overall smug superior attitude like he won us the ring like Dirk and we should kiss his feet. I just want him gone. He showed us who he is and it's ugly. He is not a point guard, a leader, a culture builder or a cornerstone piece. It's interesting because Masai put so much faith and trust in Nurse and Fred and they abused that responsibility and trust they were given.