Drury is far from perfect, but the guy seems to have the ability to see the obvious problems that many past GMs just ignore or have blind spots for. I have my complaints, but I think the blame for this season's woes falling on him is a bit unfair.
The team defense has been horrible, we have had terrible injury luck, everybody is underperforming, our Powerplay went from one of the best in the league to mid/bad with very little changes. Apart from changing the personnel which Drury has clearly attempted to do, I see this as a coaching issue.
Laviolette has to go. I championed his hiring, and I do still believe he is a good coach, but times have changed. Players don't react positively to the hard-ass act anymore. A guy like Mike Keenan would never be successful in today's NHL (Assuming he doesn't adapt).
Also Phil Housley has to go yesterday. The defense has gotten markedly worse under him, and we have seen major steps back from K'Andre, and Fox. There is no track record of success to this point with him, and I so reason why we shouldn't cut ties immediately. It will probably be something thats done in the offseason unless we get a few bad blowouts in a row, but I have 0 confidence in his ability as a coach of anything.