You’ve been in here blindly defending Elvis in every possible way. Literally saying that a GROUP of players, whatever that number really is, are the actual problem and should be moved on from, because THEY have a problem with their “starting goalie” they are forced to play in front of.
I ask this question sincerely and genuinely, as I believe you DO NOT understand what the dynamic should be between a team and its goalie, have you ever played on a hockey team??
The problem is you can’t dispute the logical comments I made about the countless amounts of European/Russian CBJ players, along with all the people that Larsen has interacted with during his career without issues, and that NONE have had this many regular cases of “misunderstandings” OR portrayed themselves in the way that Elvis has in relationship to the team.
And no, he ain’t no Belfour, Hextall, or Patty Roy, sorry. If he was actually a good goalie he’d get more “leeway” from me.
I “hate” what he has done to the CBJ. I also “hate” that I was RIGHT “all along”, and that I had to fight the perception (as I unfortunately have to do regularly) that I was “anti CBJ”, simply because I’m AGAINST THE PLAYERS WHO HURT THE TEAM!!