I see metal like anime, awesome stuff, but the fans just really ruin it for the rest of the folks who just want to watch and enjoy it damn it lol. I am not sure what @henchman24 means by "nerd" because I am not sure what the word nerd means anymore. It used to be the blokes who liked math and Star Wars, but now you get a push-up bra, wear cute cat-ears, and you can stream making thousands weekly. Are there genres of metal that are nerdy? Sure, I agree especially within the Power/Symphonic scene. Is it nerdy to shred neoclassical riffs and melt the Earth? Perhaps. However, I appreciate the musical talent that you find in metal and that is one genre you get more of the gifted musicians compared to any other genre not named Jazz. Good, Miley Cyrus can sing about partying in the USA and 50 Cent can talk about banging hookers all he wants, give me a stupid Alestorm song about getting drunk over those two any day of the week (not generalising all rap here). Or a Blind Guardian song talking about warcraft or whatever they sing about nowadays.
I might be going on a rant now, but the deeper and remote genres you reach, the more nonconformists are there to kick you out of the welcome mat. The darker and heavier stuff are the ones that the most unwelcoming and I think they make it that way, that's why Avenge Sevenfold created nicknames for everyone and that pissed off like 60% of their fanbase at the time.