Built a brand new rig last July and bought a 2070 Super for $550 when they were released. I don't regret it at all, but damn these new cards are juicy. Good news for anybody with a 1070 or 1080 that skipped the 2k series and held out on upgrading. I'll tell you what though, it wasn't easy getting this 2070 Super last summer. Had to watch sites like a hawk for inventory to become available as they would sell out in minutes. I don't think it's going to be easy for anyone to snag these cards upon release. Everyone will be looking to buy one (including of course the bitcoin miners and the scalpers) and with the pandemic and all probably affecting production I expect there to be quite a shortage.
I finally built a new machine earlier this year and retired my 2500k. Went to a Ryzen 3600 and kept my 1080. I tried to nab a 2070 as well but faced the same shortages and kind of let it slide. Hoping to get my hands on a 3080 but I think you're right that the bitcoin miners are going to make a run on them right away.