The Nemesis
Semper Tyrannus
Threshold. It's always going to be threshold.
these are the Voyages wasn't bad. it was insulting as hell, but it wasn't bad.
Absolutely this. Spock's Brain was a product of the hot garbage TOS season 3 because they had gutted the crew (in particular, both Gene Coon and DC Fontana were gone, replaced by amateur writers with no Trek experience and a script supervisor that had no idea what he was doing. There's a bit on the Star Trek wiki that notes that the new script supervisor literally walked onto the Transporter Room set one day early on in the season and said "what's this thing supposed to do again?"

These Are the Voyages was mostly a gigantic slap in the face to the years of Enterprise because it was all like "We know you don't love this show like you loved TNG, so here's Riker and Troi to make it aaaaaalllll better." The concept of the episode itself without the stupid holodeck crap was a fitting way to end the series, Trip's stupid and pointless "artificial drama" death aside. If Spock's Brain wasn't trying hard enough to be likeable to Trek fans, this was trying too hard.
Threshold was written by people that should've known better. Directed by people who should've known better. It doesn't have the excuse of ignorance like Spock's Brain. It doesn't have the excuse of misplaced over-caring. It's just an awful episode by people who should've been able to avoid that level of awfulness in their sleep.