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He's seen stuff from other tv shows and movies in the past that he has not been thrilled about. He and John Campea just happen to know people in the industry. Plus John Rocha said last month or so in his Hot Mic show with Jeff Sneider (another really well connected guy, who surprisingly isn't a fan of of the stuff he leaks), that John's wife Ann Campea works for Marvel, which would explain why he gets to see a lot of stuff that's probably "passed around the office".It may be significant to you. It doesn't mean anything to me. In fact, being so well connected that he's already watched the entire season twice just makes me suspicious. People who are granted special early screenings tend to gush about what they saw. Also, he sounds like someone who exaggerates for attention. Even if he really did love it, though, that doesn't mean that everyone who hated the previous seasons will. If you want to get excited over his opinion, you're more than welcome to, but just don't expect the rest of us to.
Side note, RMB has also read the Secret Invasion script and he thought it was really good, hence his excitement for that show.
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