My Voyager list. I'm not super married to this one like the ones before it because I simply haven't rewatched Voyager as much as the other series and a lot of episodes blend together for me in my memory.
1) Caretaker (S1, E1/2)
2) Jetrel (S1, E15)
3) Basics (S2, E26/S3, E1)
4) Scorpion (S3, E26/S4, E1)
5) Year of Hell (S4, E8/9)
6) Nothing Human (S5, E8)
6) Latent Image (S5, E11)
7) Dark Frontier (S5, E15/16)
8) Equinox (S5, E26/S6, E1)
9) Body and Soul (S7, E7)
10) Endgame (S7, E25/26)
HM: Meld (S2, E16) The Killing Game (S4, E18/19), Child's Play (S6, E19), Imperfection (S7, E2), Author Author (S7, E20)
Comments: You can see how heavily I weighted towards the back half of the series. Caretaker is important because it's the pilot, Jetrel is the rare great Neelix episode (I almost liken it to Duet in DS9 as an episode that's a vehicle for a character to examine his beliefs and his hatred and realize that it can be hard to hate a remorseful person as much as a cardboard cutout ideal of a villain). Basics is more or less my concession to watching the end of everything that was set up through seasons 1 and 2 with the Kazon and all that stuff. It's the latter part of season 3 where things kick into high gear and you get the best Borg episode, the great alt-history/what-if story in Year of Hell, and then a bunch of great Doctor and Seven episodes because they're the two best characters in the cast. I've likened elements of Equinox to almost a proto-Discovery as you can see some of that series' "we do what we have to do" spirit from its first couple episodes in the actions of the episode's namesake ship. Endgame is important because it pays off the series, but it's not a super great episode in and of itself. The HM list continues the Doctor/Seven focus, but also includes a fantastic Tuvok episode in Meld (Tuvok is my 3rd favorite character on Voyager after The Doctor and Seven. Tim Russ did the best job playing a Vulcan outside of Leonard Nimoy. Unlike a lot of other actors, he really got how to make Tuvok seem stern and logically driven without seeming like an arrogant jackass with stick up his butt), and the best of the Hirogen in "The Killing Game" because the Hirogen are probably the best unique Voyager-specific villain species.