Strong & Free
As expected, this show as completely fallen apart after a "good" first episode.
I agree.
Why was the ICE bus driving on the wrong side of the highway?
There's another Dr. Soong who like all the other Dr. Soongs!
The officer comes to the Picard Vineyard alone, discovers a spaceship and doesn't call for backup?
Not only that, the dispatcher who sent the officer there doesn't get suspicious when the officer doesn't report back after being captured by the Borg Queen?
How convenient that Agnes has a "pill" that can wipe the officer's memory for a specific amount of time!
When Agnes shoots the Borg Queen she get her blood all over her, but, the officer's uniform is clean!
Tallinn is a Supervisor like Gary 7, but, her technology can't overcome today's security?
Was this episode written by manatees!?!