@Jussi Look at Halo (The game series, not the show).
When Bungie creates Halo: Reach, they essentially threw Halo: Fall of Reach under the bus and executed it without mercy. Then they went lol, not canon.
While the game was objectively good, it destroyed a ton of canon. Specifically, it paved over canon from source material that is better written than a lot of the lore in-game (Eric Nylund is a fantastic writer).
Whne 343 took over the franchise, they went to EXTREMELY long lengths to re-merge the novels (and other franchise mediums) back into the canon. They took a Frankenstein horror show consisting of mutated knots, and tied everything back together.
They knew they had a passionate fan base that was smart, and deeply invested in the stories. So they bent over backwards and tied everything back together.
Now was it a complete success? Ehhh, as long as you don't look at things too hard the narrative tape wont fall off).
Nerds are not dumb. Nerds care deeply about the stories they read. Treat your fan base like they are intelligent and know what they want, and they won't be clawing at your door in the middle of the night to tear you a new one. I wish the show runners on Picard treated Trekkies as intelligently as other franchises do their fan bases.