I watched each episode from season 1 of Star Trek Lower Decks and I would say that was the best part of it all. The show sucks with its humor lacking in being funny and the constant mentioning of past things Star Trek and Mariner who is a horrible character. I wonder if anyone else put themselves through see all 10 episodes and what they thought.
I watched the first 4 episodes of Discovery. What do you guys think?
I watched each episode from season 1 of Star Trek Lower Decks and I would say that was the best part of it all. The show sucks with its humor lacking in being funny and the constant mentioning of past things Star Trek and Mariner who is a horrible character. I wonder if anyone else put themselves through see all 10 episodes and what they thought.
I watched each episode from season 1 of Star Trek Lower Decks and I would say that was the best part of it all. The show sucks with its humor lacking in being funny and the constant mentioning of past things Star Trek and Mariner who is a horrible character. I wonder if anyone else put themselves through see all 10 episodes and what they thought.
If it's in the realm of what we saw in "What we left behind" Documentary it has a shot at being good. Avery Brooks hasn't acted since DS9. It would be great if they could get him back and out of the Wormhole.CBS/Paramount, having done all that they can (for now) to ruin our memories of TOS and TNG, are now supposedly turning their sights towards DS9:
Scoop: CBS Considering 'Deep Space Nine' Revival
I would be only interested in a DS9 revival if the main showrunners from that time were interested in doing it. But even towards the end of DS9, I thought they had made some missteps(Sisko's mother, the Pahwraith being lame villains were my biggest problems). But maybe with a show that doesn't have to make 26 episode seasons, maybe they could focus and refine it to be a good project.
CBS/Paramount, having done all that they can (for now) to ruin our memories of TOS and TNG, are now supposedly turning their sights towards DS9:
Scoop: CBS Considering 'Deep Space Nine' Revival
Good luck getting anyone from the DS9 production/writing team back on.
CBS would have to pry RDM away from Outlander, For all Mankind, and Disney's new live action series. So good luck with that.
Berman, Livingston, Echavarria and Wolfe have all been retired from Trek for nearly 20 years
Pillar passed in 2005.
Literally the only person from the DS9 production staff still doing Trek related stuff is Behr, and I have a feeling that he has a very, very different version of Trek in mind for any DS9 revival than what CBS might think up.
The last thing I want is more sequel or prequel series.
CBS/Paramount, having done all that they can (for now) to ruin our memories of TOS and TNG, are now supposedly turning their sights towards DS9:
Scoop: CBS Considering 'Deep Space Nine' Revival
CBS/Paramount, having done all that they can (for now) to ruin our memories of TOS and TNG, are now supposedly turning their sights towards DS9:
Scoop: CBS Considering 'Deep Space Nine' Revival
After what Picard did to characters like Icheb, Hugh, and Maddox, I don't want them to bring back any other legacy characters.
I liked it. It's light and fun, and it's still in the Star Trek universe.
I just started watching this the other day. I think I'm up to 6 or 7 now. Yeah, I don't mind it. I think I watched maybe one Discovery episode, did see the Picard series although I doubt I'll watch it again if they keep making it. Probably enjoying Lower Decks more than any Trek since DS9. Not that I'm super-into Lower Decks per se, but I'm liking it enough to actually watch it.I just finished Lower Decks.
I definitely enjoyed it. It's amusing to me that what is essentially a self-parody is the best Trek to come out of this team by far.
Is it great? No. But it is fun and I liked it.
Also amusing to me that the "joke" character of Mariner is essentially a parody of Burnham, and yet somehow manages to be a far superior character....
Considering Star Trek is a liberal utopia, it absolutely does. These channels complain about women being in prominent roles, ethnic and other minorities being presented in an equal way. In trek lore they're there as well. It Trek lore, the anti-sjw folks do not exist.
From another thread, where it was off topic:
It sounds like you're suggesting that it's a "liberal utopia" because there are women and minorities in prominent roles, as if only liberals welcome that. FYI, conservatives do as well, so long as those roles are given for the right reasons. Star Trek used to be a great example of that, where anyone, regardless of gender, race or species, could rise up the ranks of Starfleet on the basis of merit. Now, we get Tilly going from an Academy cadet to the Captain's chair in only two years.
What you need to understand is that where liberals and conservatives often differ isn't so much the end goals, but how to achieve them. The nice thing about Star Trek is that it mostly presents a utopian future without getting too specific about how it was achieved. That makes it rather apolitical and something that people on both sides of the aisle can take to.
You seem to disagree and believe that it's a future in which your side has won and your opponents have lost. If so, I think that you misunderstand the point of Star Trek. It's not to show how great the future would be if your political enemies didn't exist. If you believe that, then you're the kind of person who doesn't exist in that future, either. The point of Star Trek is to show all of us what to strive for and what we might accomplish if we move beyond the politicizing and partisanship and, instead, worked together towards our common goals. That's why Star Trek is something for all of us to appreciate and learn and take hope from.
No, they don't. American conservatives only care about white men.
Spoken like someone who doesn't know any.