Reports out of Abbotsford are than in the last couple of months he's been their best defenseman. Ahead of Wolanin, Woo and McWard--who've been in the AHL a lot longer.
The only issue is that he's not big--although Hockey DB lists him at 5'11" and 200, so he's built like a bit of a fire hydrant.
But the impressive thing is he just turned 21 in early February--so he could have played his overage year in the OHL. And that's where a lot of seventh round draft picks usually end up playing rather than making an impact in the AHL.
So he's miles ahead of his projections. But the Canucks are currently loaded on the big club with left-shot d-men, so his path to the NHL might be 'blocked' for the time being. But I really hope they leave him in Abbotsford to develop--and see where he's at in a couple of seasons.