1. Jays lose tomorrow they're out
2. Boston and New York win Toronto is out
3. Jays win Boston loses, New York wins, Seattle loses 1 more game. Jays/Boston tiebreaker in Boston, winner goes to New York for the WC game
4. Jays win, Boston wins, New York loses, Seattle loses 1 more game. Jays/Yankees tiebreaker in Toronto, winner goes to Boston for the WC game
5. Jays win, Boston loses, New York wins, Seattle wins both games. 3 way tie for 1 spot. Jays have worst draft position so likely have to win 2 games, the first on the road(likely in Seattle if Boston chooses correctly) and then the 2nd at home(against Boston)
6. Jays win, Boston wins, New York loses, Seattle wins both games. 3 way tie for 1 spot. Jays have best draft position so likely have to win 1 road game against the winner of SEA@NYY.
7. Jays win, Boston loses, New York loses, Seattle loses 1 game. 3 way tie for 2 spots. Boston picks first and will certainly pick playing game 1 at home. Jays Can either choose to play Boston on the road to get in, and if they lose they'd get a 2nd chance to get in playing New York on the road. Or they could choose to face the loser of Boston/New York at home but only have 1 chance.
8. Jays win, Boston loses, New York loses, Seattle wins both games. 4 way tie for 2 spots. I'm not sure who we'd face but it's a single elimination game and since we have the 2nd selection, it would almost certainly be at home.