Some people still harken NCAA hockey being what it was in the 80s, but that's simply not true now a days. It's arguably the best development league in hockey, the amount of star NHL players coming out of the NCAA is ludicrous compared to what it was in 1980.
I think this US team will do fine, and also has the potential to win gold.
About 88% of NHL players have experience in the AHL. The AHL is the best development league in hockey.
I looked at the Milwaukee Admirals current roster and counted 19 of 31 who played more than 5 games this season who also played at least 1 season, usually 2 or 3, in the NCAA. That is 61%.
Google says that 33% of NHL players in 2018-19 previously played NCAA hockey. Twenty years before, it was 20%.
The NCAA has improved a lot, but they have a ways to go.
155 AHL alumni heading to Beijing Olympics
perecentage of NHL players that played in AHL - Google Search
perecentage of NHL players that played in NCAA - Google Search