East Coast Bias
Registered User
I’ll do you one better. Name for me an opposing player injured or even knocked out of so much as a game by a borderline dirty hit from a Rangers player. Go ahead........... you can’t! Meanwhile start listing the Rangers it’s happened to.
I also never said lost their careers. I said had their careers ruined as in significantly disrupted or shortened.
Ok who has had their career ruined?
Sauer. For sure. Playing on a Torts coached team with Rupp, Bickel and Prust running around fighting everyone, ironically. Who else?
I'm not compiling lists for stuff I didn't claim. I'm totally on board for a more Boston/Winnipeg style team - bigger forechecking squads. Totally agree there. But this obsession with injuring people is one of the more bizarre things I've seen on here. And this place is f***ing weird.