Team name poll, part 2

Random thought...

I have been wondering why Smith and Co., along with the fans for that matter haven't brought up Utah Sasquatch as a name ?

Admittedly, I always thought Seattle should have gone with Sasquatch, but if Smith & fans wanted a Yeti and the logo that comes with it, why not just go with the North American Mythological Creature instead of it's Himalayan Cousin ?
That's a fair question. I think the answer is simply the way it rolls off the tongue.

Also, not just mythological.
American Primeval makes the outlaw name not so far fetched

I think with the US and Canada booing each others national anthems we should call them the Utah Americans

But Snowbeasts would still be my favourite as you can incorporate the Yeti without interference of the branding
I expect that it'll be officially shared at the draft, though leaks will start to spout soon.

Would be cool if the Mammoth's first pick was of the Mrtka / McQueen type of stature.

