We have and did. We just traded them for immediate help or they priced themselves out. Look at Colton, Verhaeghe, Marchessault. The same will happen with Chaffee, Perbix, Goncalves (if he keeps the same pace). We churn out solid middle 6 players like clock work. Always finding value in late rounds to keep our top end talent accommodated. Its just hilarious that the statement that Tampa doesn't develop players can come out of people's mouths.
Colton etc, again, all 27 or older.
The rest are kind of meh. The reason we need trades like this is we aren't actually developing great depth anymore. Which is fine, but I think it's a stretch to think we are still developing great players, or even impact players, left, right, and Center. Since Colton, we've been okay with fringe NHLers.