So I'm gonna just do my proposal in bite sized pieces to avoid a biblical amount of text as I have several seasons
39 days
16, 18 and 20 people
Survivor: Rising Sun -in Japan
Survivor: Chile - in the Actacama desert nearby a river (but plenty of fresh water)
Survivor: Jordan -in the Wadi Rum preserve / originally selected for season 4 but political climate has made that not possible
Survivor: Island of skulls -Fiji, a ghost island kind theme but we aren't resisting every season in history. It's just meant to be dark, mysterious and macabre
Survivor: Millennials vs Gen Z -I didn't give much thought but it can be Fiji again. Same idea as Millennials vs Gen X. It's gonna be glorious
Survivor: One World - lol just kidding that season was f***ing garbage
Advantage menu
I'm going to spend most of my time explaining 1 advantage
1. Post merge idol nullifier that re enters the game after 1 tribal council. Once it is played (while the votes are being cast) the votes for that person counts. End of story. The **ONLY** method to avoid the nullifier is to play your idol before the votes are cast
Exhibit 1
2. Pre merge beach idol (1 for each beach) that can be played like a regular idol or before the vote takes place. See Exhibit 1. You will be required to play it (perhaps pointlessly) if you think your neck is on the line and the nullifier is out there.
3. The Unified Immunity Idol - aka the single most broken, overpowered BS ever contrived on Survivor. Makes "Knowledge is power and the Tyler Perry idol look like a biznatch"
1. Has 2 pieces that can be split apart (like a yin yang) and each piece can be played like a regular idol at 2 different Tribal Councils
2. Can be used ala Yul/Tony super idol with both pieces
This bulletproof vest comes via beware advantage after 1 tribal council (3 days into the game) where where you gamble opening a package with either a clue to where it is or lose your vote. There will be no less than 4 dummy packages where you lose your vote
1st clue is for what the idol does and that you must be picked up via boat to get it. It tells you one last clue will come at the merge
2nd clue is where you find your ticket to the boat ride where you will get the Unified Idol. You can't make the trip without it. This will also come via beware advantage
So yeah. If you want this thing. You gotta risk your ass over and over for it and sneak out. It's a fair trade
The "most broken advantage in history" thing was a joke. Super Idols are a Nothingburger. They were around in seasons 12 and 13 where the concept was new and nobody had a clue what they were doing. Tony found his at like final 8 and it was inconsequential because nobody was voting him out.
So I present to you the 4 ways it can be defeated
1. Nullifier
2. Force a tie and then vote out dumb dumb with an idol in their pocket on the re-vote for not negating the votes right then and there
3. Flush it exactly like a regular idol. Literally the only difference is when Jeff says "does not count"
4. Vote their ass out on the night of the biggest twist in Survivor history ***
*** - I told you all what it is before and I'll get back to it later