I'm looking for opinions on a mid-tier stick that works well for slap shots and is durable. I play D and have a decent slap shot, so I'd like to look for a stick more geared toward slap shots. I've always just bought what I think is a decent stick on sale/clearance/old stock on Hockey Monkey. I don't tend stick handle a whole lot, I use wrist shot and backhand fairly often. What sticks should I be looking at? I'd prefer to stay in the $150 range if possible, but I don't even know if that's the right range or not.
ETA: I never really looked too much into flex, curve, lie and such, so is there any better for slap shots? I usually went with a...less aggressive curve to keep the puck knee high, and a mid flex like 85. From what I've read, at 6' 200lbs, 85 flex should be about right?
Thanks for providing and knowing exactly what you're looking for in a stick; it makes reccs much easier!
I would first start to look at a stick's kickpoint. For slapshots, you should target a stick family that features a mid-kick (i.e. CCM Tacks, Bauer Nexus etc.). Please check out the Guide in the first page of this thread for more details!
Regarding pricepoint, that's a perfect price range where you will be able to find prior years' top end stick models on sale, as well as current upper-mid end models provided you can't find what you're looking for on sale.
Regarding flex, curve and lie, unfortunately that's a bit tougher to pinpoint. It really is personal preference for people. 85 flex sounds about right, and if it worked for you before with good slappers, why change that aspect? Maybe at some point you could experiment with 95-100 flex to see if that works better. For curve, what have you used previously and did you like it? Regarding lie, that ties in with stick length and curve. Do you have a preference for length? Please also consult the guide for more details.
With that said I've pulled a few sticks you may like. I think the CCM Super Tacks 2.0 should fit you, but consider the others too.
CCM Super Tacks 2.0:
CCM Super Tacks 2.0 Grip Composite Hockey Stick - Senior | Pure Hockey Equipment
The Super Tacks 2.0 was a previous year's top end Tacks model and emphasizes their mid-kickpoint to optimize slappers. The CCM sticks are generally more durable. I suggest the 85 flex and P30 curve, which should be the mid-curve you said you prefer.
CCM Tacks 7092:
CCM Tacks 7092 Grip Composite Hockey Stick - Senior | Pure Hockey Equipment
This is the model one below the top end Super Tacks 2.0, so still a high end performance stick. This model is a bit heavier than the top end but that comes with the benefit of slightly more durability in the shaft. Same recommendations at a lower price point.
Warrior Dynasty HD1:
Warrior Dynasty HD1 Grip Senior Hockey Stick Senior Clearance Hockey Sticks Clearance Hockey Sticks Clearance Outlet
A top end model from a few years ago, this is also a mid-kick stick at a very good price! Look for the W88 curve.
Overall I would suggest the sticks listed in order from top to bottom, though I can't imagine you'd go wrong with #2 or #3!