I smell a stinky rat. This is ALL Quinn's fault. Not sure how much HIS bosses had to do with this if any (his benching), but seems to me they "goated him". It was to the detriment of the team that he got benched to begin with. Yes, he couldve handled it better, but dont blame him for being held more accountable than literally everyone else. He is/wqs the scapegoat and seems they wanted OUT of a big contract that "if indeed" they didnt want him......should have NEVER signed him to begin with. All the bullcrap that surrounds him IS his doing, but that should never have anything to do with his contract.
He IS an American and believes in what he believes. I support him for that, I AM A VETERAN and want nothing MORE than the best for OUR country. He has that RIGHT.
I had better NOT find out that our organization did him any more dirty than what is written already, true or false as it is.
This is MY stand, and maybe I will think MUCH LESS of the team that I have supported for 50+ years.
I'm hating on QUINN, and disliking Gorton & JD much more than I ever would have thought. This looks and smells like a bullying, and pretty sure TV and RADIO will jump on the anti-Tony D. Bandwagon.
Our Rangers just blew a really good and efficient PP. Congrats.
TBH the entire situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I am NOT surprised ADA blew up his career with the Rangers. I always knew he was one step away from blowing himself up and for that reason I didn't want the Rangers to sign him long-term 2 seasons ago, or this past off-season. I am surprised that he blew himself up in this fashion.
I feel like Quinn has been trying to figure out a way to get rid of ADA for a while and he took what amounted to 2 non-issues and made them mortal sins. Taking a bad penalty, ok it was a bad penalty. Bench the guy for the rest of the game. When did Slamming the penalty box door become this taboo thing? We have seen it before countless times by other players throughout the history of the game without issue. To my knowledge, ADA didn't break any rules or committed an offense that warranted a 2 game benching.
The other side of that coin is that Quinn was treating ADA like a parent would a child and give an inch on this he takes a mile. That really doesn't sit well with me either. This situation seems entirely engineered by Quinn, with possible involvement from Groton to push this kid out the door for whatever reason, IMO, it's mostly personal.
Groton comes out and says Tony couldn't get over the 2 game benching. The question I have is why couldn't he get over it. What did he feel was happening and why weren't his concerns addressed? It sounds like Groton had a one-way conversation with him and told him to f*** off.
To see all the fake news being thrown around out there by one person, in particular, to continue to stir things up makes it that much worse. I don't care what JD, JG, or DQ say. All the rumors and false stories allowed them to make this move in the hopes that it will all just go away once they set the record straight.
Shockingly, ADA as far as I know has been pretty quiet about things. I am curious what his side of the story is and I would like to hear from those that were actually there. It's doubtful any of that will happen at this juncture.
Up until now, I have been holding then online on Quinn keeping his job. That has changed a bit. I am down on him right now. You could see tonight he was very vocal on the bench in a way I haven't seen him in some time. Now that his favorite whipping boy is gone he has no more excuses, and I am curious to see if he starts to single someone else out.
I am also down on Groton too. He winds up trading Stepan away for virtually NOTHING. JD looked a bit worse for wear tonight. He didn't hire these guys and he has to be thinking maybe it's time to re-evaluate the entire heriracry. I think he would be wise to do so. At least keep the options open.
Hopefully, we can all move on and tonight starts the long winning streak. However, the questions of what happened in that tunnel and in the days before will still be there.