Righteous bucks!
Really hope it's more than 8 teams, I felt the Olympics really helped developing hockey countries get more 'into' hockey, like Slovenia. I bet after Slovenia beat Austria, that it got more players playing/tons of press. We need that in all hockey tournaments.
Of course, I have no actual data to support my stance, just what I feel.
Having 10/12 countries would be a good number imo.
I think the decision, was probably made, to have less teams for a shorter tournament due to time constraints of starting any leagues over seas later or halting an already started league.
With some elimination games played to fill the 7 and 8 spots, the tournament could be a 10-12 team tournament in a sense. That is a "guess" because nothing is finalized.
PS. I don't think the plans would be released to the media if the KHL wasn't on board. Hoping really