Movies: Solo: A Star Wars Story, 25 May 2018 Release (Early reviews are in)

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Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
Looks a lot to me like you are projecting :laugh:

You are the one questioning my opinion, not the other way around. You think the trailer looks fantastic, good for you. I think the lead actor from the little we saw in the trailer looks like he doesn't fit the part. Hopefully that changes in the movie but at this moment I doubt it.

I also called it like I saw it. YOU had to comment on it because it obviously irked you.
You've made quite a few erroneous assumptions and still haven't pointed out anywhere what I said was wrong.
And you just wont stop haha. Go ahead, you can have the last word. I really don't feel like it was that hard to understand but I replied because people were saying that out of a 1 minute trailer with about 3 lines from the new Solo that we ALL KNEW would not be Harrison Ford are already making conclusions about his character. That's just silly.
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Bjorn Le

May 17, 2010
Martinaise, Revachol
First, when someone tells you that you missed his point, you probably shouldn't correct him. Second, you're replacing what my complaint would be if only tall, sexy blondes were cast (that variety would be lacking) with what your complaint would be (that it would be done just for sex appeal) and using it to contradict me.

Third, sex appeal is just a form of market appeal, of which there are several forms, including the one that I'm referring to. I feel that Disney has gone the safe route with each of their female leads, since it's an archetype that holds a lot of appeal for both men and women, probably even more than the sex appeal approach, which appeals more to men than women. I don't think that that's coincidence. It's what sells nowadays, whereas the tall, sexy blondes are what Hollywood sold a lot of films with in the past, as you mentioned.

Now you're the one reading into something. FYI, the "so called SJWs" that you speak of are criticized because they have a penchant for doing what you just did, which is taking something that someone did or said and spinning it into appearing bigoted so that they can have something to judge and condemn publicly... and hypocritically. I wonder how, in your rush to judge my comment, you didn't stop to recognize that you essentially argued just prior that all Western females look the same .

Why? Because you don't want to be corrected lol? I didn't miss your point, I didn't think the point was legitimate criticism. There is nothing fishy, forced, or simply bad, about any of the female lead castings so far. The tall blonde comment was in reference to a trend in casting to make female leads sexually desirable. That's a trope. It's not a trope to cast an actress with the most common Western physical traits (dark haired, average female height, white). The only theory I'd buy for casting a brunette is the one I mentioned earlier about Rey being genetically linked to the Solo-Skywalker family. Their casting in general hasn't copied the OT like so many other aspects of their movie, so I'm very skeptical that it was meant to evoke images of Leia either.

I didn't, I said most Western actors are white (which is true), I didn't imply they look the same. In general, it's not considered offensive to say, for example, someone looks German but it's turns out they're Norweigan, or that someone looks Italian but they're actually just a tanned Scottish person. On the other hand, it is offensive to suggest a Chinese person is Korean, or Japanese, or Vietnamese (and it goes vice-versa). To suggest a Vietnamese actress was cast to appeal to the Asian market (i.e. China), implies racism on the part of Disney, and evokes racism via ignorance on the part of the person making that suggestion.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
The kid looks nothing like Harrison Ford and it doesn't even sound like he is even trying to talk like him.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
The kid looks nothing like Harrison Ford and it doesn't even sound like he is even trying to talk like him.
What's worse though? A bad Harrison Ford impression or not sounding like what a 19 year old Harrison Ford sounded like?

Ewan McGregor nailed what a young version of Alec Guiness' Obi Wan Kenobi would've sounded like and how he would've behaved but that's not easy to find.

I know a lot of people wanted that kid who was YouTube auditioning for the role by impersonating Han Solo but I thought his impression was goofy and from what I read, his moves into acting have been less than solid.
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Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
Ewan McGregor nailed what a young version of Alec Guiness' Obi Wan Kenobi would've sounded like and how he would've behaved but that's not easy to find.

Sure, but Ewan McGregor was the first time we ever saw "young Obi Wan".

We've already seen "young Han Solo", so we know what we are comparing the new guy to.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
Sure, but Ewan McGregor was the first time we ever saw "young Obi Wan".

We've already seen "young Han Solo", so we know what we are comparing the new guy to.
I mean young is relative in this sense. We saw a 30 something year old Han Solo who already had accolades and notoriety behind him. Not saying we needed a comprehensive look at his past but I mean...the me at 19 versus the me now at 25 is pretty significantly different in many ways.

In any case, I don't want to see a hackneyed Harrison Ford impersonation. I can settle for kind of close enough if he can hit that.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
Why? Because you don't want to be corrected lol? I didn't miss your point, I didn't think the point was legitimate criticism. There is nothing fishy, forced, or simply bad, about any of the female lead castings so far.

Yes, that's exactly the point: I don't want to be corrected on what my point is by someone who is guessing at it and getting it wrong. It takes a remarkable amount of hubris to correct a person on what his point is. It's actually you who doesn't want to be corrected here because you're more interested in striking down a strawman than in listening to and understanding what I'm actually saying.

I didn't, I said most Western actors are white (which is true), I didn't imply they look the same. In general, it's not considered offensive to say, for example, someone looks German but it's turns out they're Norweigan, or that someone looks Italian but they're actually just a tanned Scottish person. On the other hand, it is offensive to suggest a Chinese person is Korean, or Japanese, or Vietnamese (and it goes vice-versa). To suggest a Vietnamese actress was cast to appeal to the Asian market (i.e. China), implies racism on the part of Disney, and evokes racism via ignorance on the part of the person making that suggestion.

You argued that the female leads looking similar is just a coincidence because most humans have dark hair, most Western actors are white and most females are petite. By jumping to the same conclusions that you do, your comment implies that all Western females look the same, and it doesn't really matter whether you were implying that or not, since you aren't granting others the same benefit of the doubt. You're just declaring that what they say automatically implies and evokes something, whether they intended it or not. I never implied that all Asians look the same. You inferred that to make me look bad. You may not have been implying that all Western females look the same, but if whether I was implying anything doesn't matter, then whether you were doesn't, either. Believing otherwise is holding a double standard.

Also, if you believe that mistaking a Chinese person for a Korean is racist, you have a severe misunderstanding of what racism is. Something is not racist (or sexist or homophobic or whatever) just because someone was offended by it. Something is racist because it has a prejudicial motive behind it. A Norwegian might well be insulted that you thought that he was German, but that doesn't make your mistake racist, just as mistaking a Chinese for a Korean doesn't, even if he's insulted by it. Don't be so quick to throw around labels or you may end up the one mistakenly offending others.


RIP Fugu
Jun 24, 2007
Ewan McGregor nailed what a young version of Alec Guiness' Obi Wan Kenobi would've sounded like and how he would've behaved but that's not easy to find..

Well that is a rewrite of history there

People absolutely hated him as Obi Wan in Episode I

It wasn't until his performance in Episode III that he won over support of most people and was viewed as quality Obi Wan


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
Well that is a rewrite of history there

People absolutely hated him as Obi Wan in Episode I

It wasn't until his performance in Episode III that he won over support of most people and was viewed as quality Obi Wan
Did I make a specific reference to Episode I? Two movies of quality work trumps one.

Bjorn Le

May 17, 2010
Martinaise, Revachol
Yes, that's exactly the point: I don't want to be corrected on what my point is by someone who is guessing at it and getting it wrong. It takes a remarkable amount of hubris to correct a person on what his point is. It's actually you who doesn't want to be corrected here because you're more interested in striking down a strawman than in listening to and understanding what I'm actually saying.

You argued that the female leads looking similar is just a coincidence because most humans have dark hair, most Western actors are white and most females are petite. By jumping to the same conclusions that you do, your comment implies that all Western females look the same, and it doesn't really matter whether you were implying that or not, since you aren't granting others the same benefit of the doubt. You're just declaring that what they say automatically implies and evokes something, whether they intended it or not. I never implied that all Asians look the same. You inferred that to make me look bad. You may not have been implying that all Western females look the same, but if whether I was implying anything doesn't matter, then whether you were doesn't, either. Believing otherwise is holding a double standard.

Also, if you believe that mistaking a Chinese person for a Korean is racist, you have a severe misunderstanding of what racism is. Something is not racist (or sexist or homophobic or whatever) just because someone was offended by it. Something is racist because it has a prejudicial motive behind it. A Norwegian might well be insulted that you thought that he was German, but that doesn't make your mistake racist, just as mistaking a Chinese for a Korean doesn't, even if he's insulted by it. Don't be so quick to throw around labels or you may end up the one mistakenly offending others.

Lol, you keep getting strung up on the semantics of whose point it is and are ignoring the fact I'm criticizing it. It's pretty ironic you're accusing me of a strawman when you keep deciding to tell me what I'm saying (namely your repeating over and over again that I'm saying all white woman look the same). It's ignoring what I'm saying and I won't address it anymore.

You don't get to decide what someone interprets is racist or not. Racism does not require an intent to be racist. Far more often, racism is rated in ignorance than a conscious desire to put a group of people down. When someone says or implies all Asians look the same (as you did when you said Tran was cast to appeal to the Asian market), that is racist and it's built on the, to use your word, prejudicial notion that Asians look the same and somehow feel a natural kinship to each other. I'm not inferring anything, why else would you make the claim that Disney cast Tran for that reason? You haven't offered an explanation for that.

Well that is a rewrite of history there

People absolutely hated him as Obi Wan in Episode I

It wasn't until his performance in Episode III that he won over support of most people and was viewed as quality Obi Wan
That was also fed by people's dislike with the movie more than anything. Beyond Jake Lloyd (who was given an impossible task compounded by the awful lines) and Ahmed Best (beset by the same problems Lloyd faced), the movie was pretty well acted.
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Canadiens Ghost

Mr. Objectivity
Dec 14, 2011
This trailer is already better than The Last Jedi.

Looks fantastic!

That's just silly.

You accused me of making a conclusion* in a short one minute trailer about the actor playing Solo which is entirely not true since I am keeping an open mind about it (that does not preclude me from having a preliminary opinion and thinking he looks bad in the role). Yet in that same one minute trailer you concluded that the trailer is better than the entire Last Jedi movie... quite amusing.

the end or finish of an event or process.
"the conclusion of World War Two"

synonyms:end, ending, finish, close, termination, windup, cessation; More
culmination, denouement, peroration, coda;

David Suzuki

Registered User
Aug 25, 2010
New Brunswick
You literally meet him in a rough, dimly lit bar where he smokes a bounty hunter and then casually tosses the bartender a credit chip for his troubles. He defines the trope.

Everything about him is best left unexplained. I don't want to see the kessel run. I don't want to see how he got the Falcon. I don't want to see every last detail of his relationship with Chewie and Han explained. I sure as **** don't want to see Boba Fett hamfisted in there somewhere. But this movie is coming out and can't be undone.

Then don't watch it?

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
I'm more worried that Emilia Clarke will be bad than I am about the lead. Trying to stay open-minded but from the onset this just seems like a story that did not at all need to be told. I'll wait for the reviews to decide if I see it.


Stupid Sexy Flanders
Aug 14, 2006
artistic merit of star wars? They are what they are. We're not talking about high art here. If you think a movie is going to ruin an aspect of Star Wars then just don't watch it.

Any artistic merit was tossed out the window the minute Jar Jar showed up.
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What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
artistic merit of star wars? They are what they are. We're not talking about high art here. If you think a movie is going to ruin an aspect of Star Wars then just don't watch it.
Yes, artistic merit of Star Wars. People have been discussing that since the first movie came out.

If you want to just watch the movie and not get involved in the discussions of how much merit certain stories have from an artistic standpoint you can go right ahead. But it is silly to try and shut down those who choose to tackle these stories from that angle.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
Lol, you keep getting strung up on the semantics of whose point it is and are ignoring the fact I'm criticizing it. It's pretty ironic you're accusing me of a strawman when you keep deciding to tell me what I'm saying (namely your repeating over and over again that I'm saying all white woman look the same). It's ignoring what I'm saying and I won't address it anymore.

I'm surprised that you recognize what I'm doing--that I'm ignoring what you're saying and using a strawman against you--without actually recognizing that it's your strawman and I'm using it deliberately to show you what you're doing. I know that you're not saying that all white women look the same, but I'm going to use your own argument against you if you're going to insist on telling me what I'm saying. If you don't appreciate words being put into your mouth, don't put them into others' first.

You don't get to decide what someone interprets is racist or not. Racism does not require an intent to be racist. Far more often, racism is rated in ignorance than a conscious desire to put a group of people down. When someone says or implies all Asians look the same (as you did when you said Tran was cast to appeal to the Asian market), that is racist and it's built on the, to use your word, prejudicial notion that Asians look the same and somehow feel a natural kinship to each other. I'm not inferring anything, why else would you make the claim that Disney cast Tran for that reason? You haven't offered an explanation for that.

It's clear that you've yet to look up the definitions of racism and prejudice, because you would find that they're based on the feelings of the sender, not the feelings of the recipient. I really encourage you to familiarize yourself with the definitions of terms before you hurl accusations at others, because you don't get to decide what they mean, either.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
I was really liking Rose's character until the sudden romance between her and Finn, it just came out of nowhere. The Canto Bight scenes was unnecessary and dragged too long- they could have sent BB8 to do everything since Rose and Finn just got in the way.

It's not a romance when one party has a crush on the other and the other finds out about it at the end of the movie and we don't know if the feeling's mutual.
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Bjorn Le

May 17, 2010
Martinaise, Revachol
I'm surprised that you recognize what I'm doing--that I'm ignoring what you're saying and using a strawman against you--without actually recognizing that it's your strawman and I'm using it deliberately to show you what you're doing. I know that you're not saying that all white women look the same, but I'm going to use your own argument against you if you're going to insist on telling me what I'm saying. If you don't appreciate words being put into your mouth, don't put them into others' first.

It's clear that you've yet to look up the definitions of racism and prejudice, because you would find that they're based on the feelings of the sender, not the feelings of the recipient. I really encourage you to familiarize yourself with the definitions of terms before you hurl accusations at others, because you don't get to decide what they mean, either.

Except I don't have a strawman, you're deliberately ignoring what I say and talking about this nonsense about your "point" and saying it's me who doesn't understand.

No...that is not what racism is :laugh: If it worked like that, anyone making a racist comment could be like "well, I'm no racist, and I didn't intend on making a racist comment so, therefore, I couldn't have used racism!" Racism usually doesn't manifest itself in stereotypical white supremacist garb. It's usually more subtle. Like the suggestion Tran was cast to appeal to "Asians." You can try to move to goal posts all I want and say that I don't know what racism is, but when it comes down to it, it's a statement you haven't provided an alternate explanation for, because you know its offensive, ignorant, and ultimately racist.

This isn't going anywhere, so I'm pretty sure I'm down with this. I'm definitely done with this if you keep on insisting to debate definitions rather than address the problematic statements you've made.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
No...that is not what racism is :laugh: If it worked like that, anyone making a racist comment could be like "well, I'm no racist, and I didn't intend on making a racist comment so, therefore, I couldn't have used racism!" Racism usually doesn't manifest itself in stereotypical white supremacist garb. It's usually more subtle. Like the suggestion Tran was cast to appeal to "Asians." You can try to move to goal posts all I want and say that I don't know what racism is, but when it comes down to it, it's a statement you haven't provided an alternate explanation for, because you know its offensive, ignorant, and ultimately racist.

I explained myself in the other thread a month ago. I'm not giving you an explanation here because you don't deserve one. Instead of asking me for an explanation in the first place, you jumped to conclusions, called it out as racist and repeated the accusation in each post since. You're the one being offensive. I'm withholding explanation, information and argument from you because I shouldn't have to give it just to keep you from jumping to so many conclusions (also, it's kind of amusing to watch). You can spin my refusal to explain anything to you as confirmation of your suspicions, but there's really no use trying to stop people who are so determined to cast others as ignorant and immoral. It's a basic human need to feel superior to others, and what used to manifest itself as genetic superiority tends to manifest itself as moral superiority in today's culture.

This isn't going anywhere, so I'm pretty sure I'm down with this. I'm definitely done with this if you keep on insisting to debate definitions rather than address the problematic statements you've made.

There's no debate. The definitions of those terms are what they are and you're refusing to be corrected on them. That's you trying to debate the definitions, not me.

Merriam Webster said:
Racist (noun)
a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
Oxford English Dictionary said:
racism (noun)
1. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
1.1 The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. said:
Racism (noun)
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement,usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
What I said wasn't racist, no matter how hard you try to spin it into sounding so. The fact that other people use the term as loosely and incorrectly as you do doesn't make you right to use it the same way. It makes all of you wrong. You can just accept it with grace... or you can stubbornly go on believing in your own personal definition (as though it carries any weight in arguments) so that you can justify continuing to judge people.
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